Liferay supports two IDEs with preconfigured Liferay Workspace wizards and functionalities
These aren’t the only IDEs you can leverage to use Liferay Workspace, but they are the ones with out-of-the-box support for it.
Visit the appropriate section to learn how to import a workspace with the highlighted tool.
Dev Studio
Navigate to File → Import → Liferay → Liferay Workspace Project.
Click Next and browse for your workspace project.
Figure 1: You can import an existing Liferay Workspace into your current Dev Studio session.
Once you’ve selected you workspace, click Finish.
Select File → New → Project from Existing Sources….
Select the workspace you want to import. Then click OK.
Figure 2: Specify your workspace's configurations.
Click the Import project from external model radio button and select the build tool your workspace uses (e.g., Gradle or Maven).
Configure the project import (if necessary) and then click Finish. See the Import a Project section of IntelliJ’s official documentation for more information.
Step through the remaining import prompts and then open your imported workspace as you desire (i.e., in the current window or a new window).