Generating Themelets with the Theme Generator

This steps below show how to use the Liferay Theme Generator’s Themelets sub-generator to create a themelet.

Figure 1: Themelets can be used to modify one aspect of the UI, that you can then reuse in your other themes.

Figure 1: Themelets can be used to modify one aspect of the UI, that you can then reuse in your other themes.

Your first step in creating a themelet is installing the Liferay Theme Generator if it’s not already installed. Once the generator is installed, you can follow these steps to create a themelet:

  1. Open the Command Line and navigate to the folder you want to create your themelet in.

  2. Run yo liferay-theme:themelet and follow the prompts to generate the themelet.

    Figure 2: The Themelet sub-generator automates the themelet creation process, making it quick and easy.

    Figure 2: The Themelet sub-generator automates the themelet creation process, making it quick and easy.

    The generated themelet contains a package.json file with configuration information and a src/css folder that contains a _custom.scss file. Just like a theme, add your CSS changes to the src/css folder, and add your JavaScript changes to the src/js folder.

  3. To use your themelet, you must install it globally first. This makes the themelet visible to the generator. To install your themelet globally, navigate into its root folder and run npm link. Note, you may need to run the command using sudo npm link. This creates a globally-installed symbolic link for the themelet in your npm packages folder. Now your themelet is available to install in your themes.

Awesome! You just created a themelet with the Theme Generator’s Themelets sub-generator.

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