Workflow Notifications

While an asset is in a workflow, relevant Users should be notified about certain events, like when a review task is completed. Any workflow node with an <actions> element can have notifications.

            <name>Creator Modification Notification</name>
            <template>Your submission was rejected by ${userName}, please modify and resubmit.</template>

The above Creator Modification Notification sends a notification message in two ways: via email and via user notification (this goes to the Notifications widget in the User’s Site). The message is defined in a FreeMarker template and sent once a task assignment is created. But who receives the notification? If no recipients are explicitly specified via a recipients tag, the asset’s creator receives the notification.

Notification Options

There are several elements that can be specified in a <notification>:

Set the name of the notification in the <name> element. This information is used to display the notification in the My Workflow Tasks widget of a User’s personal Site.
The <description> element contains the subject of the notification if the notification type is email. The syntax is determined by the template language you’re using.
The <template> element contains the message of the notification. The syntax is determined by the template language you’re using.
Template Language
Choose from freemarker, velocity, or plain text in the <template-language> tag.
Notification Type
Choose whether to send an email, user-notification (via the Notification widget), im (instant message), or private-message in the <notification-type> tag.
Execution Type
Choose to link the sending of the notification to entry into the node (onEntry), when a task is assigned (onAssignment), or when the workflow processing is leaving a node (onExit). If you specify a notification to be sent on assignment, the assignee is notified automatically.
Decide who should receive the notification in the <recipients> tag:

Available recipient tags are

  • <user>: notify the User that sent the asset through the workflow. Specify the tag as <user />. To notify a specific user, enter the userId:
    <user />
  • <roles>: notify specific Roles, either by ID or by their type and name.
            <name>Power User</name>
  • <assignees />: notify the task assignees.

  • <scripted-recipient>: use a script to identify notification recipients.

            <![CDATA[Script logic goes here]]>

If the notification type is email, you can specify the recipientType attribute of the <recipients> tag as To, CC, or BCC.

<recipients receptionType="cc">

By default, recipientType is to.

As always, read the schema for all the details.

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