Developing a Vue Application

Running an existing Vue app on Liferay DXP makes the app available as a widget for using on site pages. You can adapt your existing Vue app, but this doesn’t give you access to the bundler and its various loaders to develop your project further in Liferay DXP. To have access to all of Liferay DXP’s features, you must use the Liferay JS Generator and Liferay npm Bundler to merge your files into a portlet bundle, update your static resource paths, and deploy your bundle. The steps below demonstrate how to prepare a Vue app that uses single file components (.vue files) with multiple views.

Figure 1: Vue Apps like this Guestbook App are easy to deploy, and they look great in Liferay DXP.

Figure 1: Vue Apps like this Guestbook App are easy to deploy, and they look great in Liferay DXP.

Follow these steps:

  1. Using npm, install the Liferay JS Generator:

    npm install -g yo generator-liferay-js
  2. Generate a Vue based portlet bundle project:

    yo liferay-js

    Select Vue based portlet and opt for generating sample code. Here’s the bundle’s structure:

    • my-vue-portlet-bundle
      • assets/ → CSS and resources
        • css/ → CSS not included in .vue files.
      • features/ → Liferay DXP bundle features
        • localization/ → Resource bundles
          • → Default language keys
        • settings.json → Placeholder System Settings
      • src/ → JavaScript and Vue files
        • index.js → Main module used to initialize the portlet
      • .babelrc → Babel configuration
      • .npmbuildrc → Build configuration
      • .npmbundlerrc → Bundler configuration
      • package.json → npm bundle configuration
  3. Copy your app files, matching the types listed below, into your new project.

    File typeDestinationComments
    CSSassets/css/Overwrite styles.css.
    Static resourcesassetsInclude resources such as image files here
    VUE and JSsrcMerge your main component with the existing index.js. More info on that below.
  4. Update your bundle to use portlet-level styling.

    • If you have internal CSS included with <style> tags in your .vue files, import .index.css in /assets/styles.css. This is generated by the modified build script further down:

      @import '../index.css';
    • Import all custom CSS files (i.e. CSS not included in .vue files) through the CSS file (default is styles.css) your bundle’s package.json file sets for your portlet. Here’s the default setting:

      "portlet": {
          "com.liferay.portlet.header-portlet-css": "/css/styles.css",
  5. Update any static resource references to use the web-context value declared in your project’s .npmbundlerrc file. Here’s the format:


    Here’s an example image resource:

    <img alt="Vue logo" src="/o/vue-guestbook-migrated/logo.png">
  6. Merge your entry module with src/index.js, following these steps to dynamically load components.

    • Use Vue’s runtime + compiler module (import Vue from 'vue/dist/vue.common';) so you don’t have to process templates during build time. This is imported by default at the top of the file.

    • Remove the sample content from the main() function (i.e. the node constant and its use), and replace it with your router code.

    • Make these updates to the new Vue instance:

      • Remove the default data properties (the ones you just removed in the sample content), and set the render element to portletElementId. This is required and ensures that your app is rendered inside the portlet.
      • Add the router.
      • Add a render function that mounts your component wrapper to the Vue instance and displays it.

      Your updated configuration should look like this:

      new Vue({
        el: `#${portletElementId}`,
        render: h => h(App),

    Your entry module index.js should look like this.

    import Vue from 'vue/dist/vue.common';
    import App from './App.vue'
    import VueRouter from 'vue-router'
    //Component imports
    export default function main({portletNamespace, contextPath, portletElementId}) {
      Vue.config.productionTip = false
      const router = new VueRouter({
          routes: [
      new Vue({
        el: `#${portletElementId}`,
        render: h => h(App),
  7. Merge your app package.json file’s dependencies and devDependencies into the project’s package.json, and replace the babel-cli and babel-preset-env dev dependencies with the newer "@babel/cli": "^7.0.0" and "@babel/preset-env": "^7.4.2" packages instead. Also include the "vueify": "9.4.1" dev dependency.

  8. Update the .babelrc file to use @babel/preset-env instead of env:

    "presets": ["@babel/preset-env"]
  9. If you’re using .vue files, replace the build script in the package.json with the one below to use vue-cli-service. The updated build script uses vue-cli to access the main entrypoint for the app (index.js in the example below) and combines all the Vue templates and JS files into one single file named index.common.js and generates an index.css file for any internal CSS included with <style> tags in .vue files:

    "scripts": {
      "build": "babel --source-maps -d build src && vue-cli-service build --dest 
      build/ --formats commonjs --target lib --name index ./src/index.js && npm 
      run copy-assets && liferay-npm-bundler",
      "copy-assets": "lnbs-copy-assets",
      "deploy": "npm run build && lnbs-deploy",
      "start": "lnbs-start"
  10. Update the main entry of the package.json to match the new CommonJS file name specified in the previous step:

    "main": "index.common"
  11. Finally, deploy your portlet bundle:

    npm run deploy

Congratulations! Your Vue app is deployed and now available as a widget that you can add to site pages.

The liferay-npm-bundler confirms the deployment:

Report written to liferay-npm-bundler-report.html
Deployed my-vue-guestbook-1.0.0.jar to c:\git\bundles

The Liferay DXP console confirms your bundle started:

2019-03-22 20:17:53.181 INFO  
STARTED my-vue-guestbook_1.0.0 [1695]

Find your widget by selecting the Add icon (Add) and navigating to Widgets and the category you specified to the Liferay Bundle Generator (Sample is the default category).

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