Form Storage Adapters

When a User adds a form record, the Forms API routes the processing of the request through the storage adapter API. The same is true for the other CRUD operations performed on form entries (read, update, and delete operations). The default implementation of the storage service is called JSONStorageAdapter, and as its name implies, it implements the StorageAdapter interface to provide JSON storage of form entry data.

The Dynamic Data Mapping (DDM) backend can adapt to other data storage formats for form records. Want to store your data in XML? YAML? No problem. Because the storage API is separated from the regular service calls used to populate the database table for form entries, a developer can even choose to store form data outside the Liferay database.

Define your own format to save form entries by writing your own implementation of the StorageAdapter interface. The interface follows the CRUD approach, so implementing it requires that you write methods to create, read, update and delete form values.

| Note: The StorageAdapter interface and it’s abstract implementation, |

A newly added storage adapter can only be used with new Forms. All existing Forms continue to use the adapter selected (JSON by default) at the time of their creation, and a different storage adapter cannot be selected.

The example storage adapter in this tutorial serializes form data to be stored in a simple file, stored on the file system.

Figure 1: Choose a Storage Type for your form records.

Figure 1: Choose a Storage Type for your form records.

Storage Adapter Methods

Before handling the CRUD logic, write a getStorageType method.

Return a human readable String, as getStorageType determines what appears in the UI when the form creator is selecting a storage type for their form. The String value you return here is added to the StorageAdapterRegistry’s Map of storage adapters.

The CRUD Methods

doCreate: Return a long that identifies each form record with a unique file ID. Almost as important is to validate the form values being sent through the storage adapter API. This is as simple as calling DDMFormValuesValidator.validate(ddmFormValues). In addition, you’ll interact with at least two other DDM services to get the form the values are associated with, and to make sure they’re linked: DDMStructureVersionLocalService and DDMStorageLinkLocalService. Lastly, the form values in the DDMFormValues object must be serialized (converted) into the right storage format. If JSON works for your use case, feel free to use the DDMFormValuesJSONSerializer service in the Liferay Forms code, as demonstrated in the following article. Otherwise you’ll need to provide your own serialization service for the form values.

Return the form values (DDMFormValues) for a form. You’ll call the deserialize method after retrieving them, to take them from the storage format (e.g., JSON) to a proper DDMFormValues object. You can use the Liferay Forms DDMFormValuesJSONDeserializer if you’re retrieving JSON data.
A request to update the values comes from a User in the Liferay Forms application, so call the validator again, serialize the values into the proper format, and save them.
When a delete request is made on a form record directly, delete the form values in whatever format they’re currently being stored in (this is entirely dependent on your own application of the storage adapter). In addition, retrieve and delete the DDM class storage link using DDMStorageLinkLocalService.
When a delete request is made on an entire form, delete all the form records associated with it. In addition, take the form’s ddmStructureId and delete all the DDM structure storage links that were created for it.

Validating Form Entries

Because the Storage Adapter handles User entered data during the add and update operations, it’s important to validate that the entries include only appropriate data. Add a validate method to the StorageAdapter, calling the Liferay Forms’ DDMFormValuesValidator method to do the heavy lifting.

protected void validate(
      DDMFormValues ddmFormValues, ServiceContext serviceContext)
	throws Exception {

	boolean validateDDMFormValues = GetterUtil.getBoolean(
		serviceContext.getAttribute("validateDDMFormValues"), true);

	if (!validateDDMFormValues) {


Make sure to do three things:

  1. Retrieve the value of the boolean validateDDMFormValues attribute from the service context.

  2. If validateDDMFormValues is false, exit the validation without doing anything.

    When a User accesses a form at its dedicated link, there’s a periodic auto-save process of in-progress form values. There’s no need to validate this data until the User hits the Submit button on the form, so the auto-save process sets the validateDDMFormValues attribute to false.

  3. Otherwise, call the validate method from the DDMFormValuesValidator service.

All the Java code for the logic discussed here is shown in the next article, Creating Form Storage Adapters.

Enabling the Storage Adapter

The storage adapter is enabled at the individual form level. Create a new form, and select the Storage Adapter before saving or publishing the form. If you wait until first Saving the Form, the default Storage Adapter is already assigned to the Form, and this setting is no longer editable.

  1. Go to the Site Menu → Content → Forms, and click the Add button (Add).

  2. In the Form Builder view, click the Options button (Options) and open the Settings window.

  3. From the select list field called Select a Storage Type, choose the desired type and click Done.

Now all the form’s entries are stored in the desired format.

« Introduction to Liferay FormsCreating a Form Storage Adapter »