Configuring the Blogs App

By configuring the Blogs app in Site Administration, you can control how the app behaves for all blogs in your site. To access this app, click the Menu button (Menu) to open the product menu, then expand the menu for your site and select ContentBlogs. The Options menu (Options) at the top-right of the Blogs app lets you configure permissions and notifications, or import/export the app’s content.

Figure 1: You can configure the options for your sites Blogs app.

Figure 1: You can configure the options for your site's Blogs app.

Here are each of the options available in this menu:

Entries Permissions: Configure the permissions that can be applied to the Blogs app. You can control which roles can add an entry, configure entry permissions, and subscribe to entries.

Export/Import: Export or import a LAR file that contains the Blogs app’s content.

Configuration: Configure the following options for the Blogs app, in these tabs:

  • Email From: Define the From field in the email messages that users receive from Blogs.
  • Entry Added Email: Define a subject and body for the emails sent when a new blog entry has been added.
  • Entry Updated Email: Define a subject and body for the emails sent when a new blog entry has been updated.
  • RSS: Lets you enable RSS subscription and choose how blogs are displayed to RSS readers. The Maximum Items to Display selector lets you choose the total number of RSS feed entries to display on the initial page. You can choose up to one hundred to be displayed. The Display Style selector lets you choose between Full Content, Abstract, and Title for the entry display in the RSS feed. Lastly, the Format selector lets you choose which format the RSS feed uses to deliver the entries: Atom 1.0, RSS 1.0, or RSS 2.0.
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