
Themes customize the default look and feel of your site. You can inject your own flavor and personality and represent the visual identity of your brand or company.

You’ll learn these things:

  • Developing Themes: Learn how to use Liferay DXP’s tools and features to develop your theme.
  • Extending Themes: Learn how to use Liferay DXP’s theme extension mechanisms and features to add to your theme.

Themes use the standard components (CSS, JS, and HTML) along with FreeMarker templates for rendering. There are several default FreeMarker templates that each handle a key piece of functionality for the page. There are also theme template utilities that let you use portlets, taglibs, theme objects, and more in your theme templates. CSS extensions and patterns come out-of-the-box, and support SASS, and multiple JavaScript frameworks. Several mechanisms are available for customizing, developing, and extending themes.

Theme Workflow

Themes are built on top of one of the following base themes:

  • Unstyled: provides basic markup, functions, and images
  • Styled: inherits from the Unstyled base theme and adds some styling on top

Themes can be built with your choice of tooling. Liferay also offers its own set of tools to get your themes up and running quickly.

The following Liferay tools help you build themes:

Depending on the tool you choose ( Theme Generator, Gradle, Blade CLI, Maven, or Dev Studio ), the theme anatomy can be different. The overall development process is the same:

  1. Mirror the structure of the files you want to modify. Most of the time, you’ll modify these files:

    • portal_normal.ftl: main theme markup
    • _custom.scss: custom CSS styling
    • main.js: the theme’s JavaScript
  2. Build and deploy the theme.

  3. Apply the theme through the Look and Feel menu by selecting your theme’s thumbnail.

The finished theme is bundled as a WAR (Web application ARchive) file.

If you’ve built your theme with the Liferay Theme Generator, you can use some helpful Gulp tasks to streamline the process:

  • build: builds your theme’s files based on the specified base theme. See the gulp build tutorial for more information.
  • extend: sets the base theme or themelet to extend. See the gulp extend tutorial for more information.
  • init: specifies the app server to deploy your theme to (automatically run during the initial creation of the theme). See the gulp init tutorial for more information.
  • kickstart: copies files from an existing theme into your theme to help kickstart it. See the gulp kickstart tutorial for more information.
  • status: lists the base theme/themelets that your theme extends. See the gulp status tutorial for more information.
  • watch: watches for changes to your theme’s files and automatically deploys them to the server when a change is made. See the gulp watch tutorial for more information.

See Theme Components and Understanding the Page Structure to get a top-level overview of how themes work.

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