Creating Content Sets

Content Sets are created by content administrators through the Content Sets interface in Site Administration. Content Sets can use either Manual or Dynamic selection, and you can create any number of Content Sets, and display them through the Asset Publisher or custom applications. Content Sets can also have personalized variations which provide different experiences for different users based on criteria that you specify. The criteria management is shared with the Asset Publisher, so for more information on each option, see the official Asset Publisher Documentation.

Creating a Manual Content Set

To demonstrate the creation of a Manual Content Set, create a Content Set that contains a number of images to be displayed on the Frontpage of the fictitious Space Program website. To prepare for this exercise, upload some appropriate images to Documents and Media to use for the Content Set.

  1. Go to Site AdministrationContent & Data and select Content Sets.

    Figure 1: Content Sets is found in the Content & Data section of Site Administration.

    Figure 1: Content Sets is found in the Content & Data section of Site Administration.

  2. Click Add and select Manual Selection.

  3. Name your Content Set Space Program Images.

On the next screen, you can select the assets to include in the Content Set.

  1. Click SelectBasic Document.

    Figure 2: You can select the type of asset to add to the Content Set.

    Figure 2: You can select the type of asset to add to the Content Set.

  2. Now, check the boxes for each image that you want to add and click Add.

Now this Content Set can be displayed anywhere on the site where it was created. You can add or remove items from the set, and it will automatically update it whereever it is displayed.

Creating a Dynamic Content Set

To demonstrate the creation of a Dynamic Content Set, create a Content Set that contains a number of varied assets that are tagged as “trending.” In order for this to work, you will need some number of existing assets with the appropriate tag.

  1. From the Content Sets page, click AddDynamic Selection.

  2. Enter Trending for the name and click Save.

With Dynamic Content Sets, you can choose the Source, Scope, Filter, and Ordering for the items in the set.

  1. Leave Source as Any and Scope as Current Site

  2. Open Filter, make sure it is set to Contains Any of the following Tags, and then enter “trending” in the Tags box.

    Figure 3: Content Sets use the same filter system as the Asset Publisher.

    Figure 3: Content Sets use the same filter system as the Asset Publisher.

  3. Open Ordering and set it to Order By: Publish Date, And Then By: Title.

  4. Click Save.

This will create a Content Set which will contain any items that are currently tagged as trending and any future items with the trending tag will be added to the Content Set automatically.

Now that you have your Content Sets created, you can display them on a page.

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