Clay Form Elements

The Liferay Clay tag library provides several tags for creating form elements. An example of each tag is shown below.


Checkboxes give the user a true or false input.

		checked="<%= true %>" 
		hideLabel="<%= true %>" 
		label="My Input" 


checked: Whether the checkbox is checked

disabled: Whether the checkbox is enabled

hideLabel: Whether to display the checkbox label

indeterminate: Checkbox variable for multiple selection

label: The checkbox’s label

name: The checkbox’s name

Figure 1: Clay taglibs provide checkboxes.

Figure 1: Clay taglibs provide checkboxes.


A radio button lets the user select one choice from a set of options in a form.

		checked="<%= true %>" 
		hideLabel="<%= true %>" 
		label="My Input" 


checked: Whether the radio button is checked

hideLabel: Whether to display the radio button label

disabled: Whether the radio button is enabled

label: The radio button’s label

name: The radio button’s name

Figure 2: Clay taglibs provide radio buttons.

Figure 2: Clay taglibs provide radio buttons.


A selector gives the user a select box with a set of options to choose from.

The Java scriplet below creates eight dummy options for the selector:

List<Map<String, Object>> options = new ArrayList<>();

for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
	Map<String, Object> option = new HashMap<>();

	option.put("label", "Sample " + i);
	option.put("value", i);

		label="Regular Select Element" 
		options="<%= options %>" 

Figure 3: Clay taglibs provide select boxes.

Figure 3: Clay taglibs provide select boxes.

If you want let users select multiple options at once, set the multiple attribute to true:

		label="Multiple Select Element" 
		multiple="<%= true %>" 
		options="<%= options %>" 

Figure 4: You can let users select multiple options from the select menu.

Figure 4: You can let users select multiple options from the select menu.


disabled: Whether the selector is enabled label: The selector’s label multiple: Whether multiple options can be selected name: The selector’s name

Now you know how to use Clay taglibs to add common form elements to your app!

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