Understanding Liferay Faces Portal

Liferay Faces Portal is distributed in a .jar file. You can add Liferay Faces Portal as a dependency for your portlet projects to use its Liferay-specific utilities and UI components. When Liferay Faces Portal is included in a JSF portlet project, the com.liferay.faces.portal.[version].jar file resides in the portlet’s library.

Figure 1: The required .jar files are downloaded for your JSF portlet based on the JSF UI Component Suite you configured.

Figure 1: The required `.jar` files are downloaded for your JSF portlet based on the JSF UI Component Suite you configured.

Some of the features included in Liferay Faces Portal are:

  • Utilities: Provides the LiferayPortletHelperUtil which contains a variety Portlet-API and Liferay-specific convenience methods.

  • JSF Components: Provides a set of JSF equivalents for popular Liferay DXP JSP tags (not exhaustive):

    • liferay-ui:captchaportal:captcha
    • liferay-ui:input-editorportal:inputRichText
    • liferay-ui:searchportal:inputSearch
    • liferay-ui:headerportal:header
    • aui:navportal:nav
    • aui:nav-itemportal:navItem
    • aui:nav-barportal:navBar
    • liferay-security:permissionsURLportal:permissionsURL
    • liferay-portlet:runtimeportal:runtime

    For more information, visit https://liferayfaces.org/web/guest/portal-showcase.

  • Expression Language: Adds a set of EL keywords such as liferay for getting Liferay-specific info, and i18n for integration with out-of-the-box Liferay internationalized messages.

Great! You now have an understanding of what Liferay Faces Portal is, and what it accomplishes in your JSF application.

Developing a JSF Portlet Application

Understanding Liferay Faces Bridge

Understanding Liferay Faces Alloy

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