There are two types of Liferay projects you can import into Dev Studio:
- Liferay Module Project (this also includes WAR-style projects)
- Liferay Workspace Project
You cannot import Liferay projects individually that reside in a Liferay Workspace. You can either import a non-workspace Liferay project (or group of projects if the parent folder is specified) or an entire workspace project with all its Liferay projects.
To import a pre-existing Liferay project into Dev Studio, follow the steps outlined below:
Right-click in the Project Explorer and select Import → Liferay Module Project. If you’re interested in importing an entire Liferay Workspace, select the Liferay Workspace Project instead.
Figure 1: You can import a single project or folder of projects.
Once you’ve selected your project(s), the project build type is displayed.
Click Finish.
Now your Liferay project is available from the Package Explorer.