Configuration JSON Available Options

If you’ve created an OSGi bundle with the Liferay JS Generator and want to provide system settings or instance settings for your widget, you must provide a configuration.json file. This reference guide lists the available configuration options for configuration.json along with example code.

JSON Format

The configuration.json must follow the basic pattern shown below:

  "system": {
    "category": "{category identifier}",
    "name": "{name of configuration}",
    "fields": {
      "{field id 1}": {
        "type": "{field type}",
        "name": "{field name}",
        "description": "{field description}",
        "default": "{default value}",
        "options": {
          "{option id 1}": "{option name 1}",
          "{option id 2}": "{option name 2}",

          "{option id n}": "{option name n}"
      "{field id 2}": {},

      "{field id n}": {}
  "portletInstance": {
    "name": "{name of configuration}",
    "fields": {
      "{field id 1}": {
        "type": "{field type}",
        "name": "{field name}",
        "description": "{field description}",
        "default": "{default value}",
        "options": {
          "{option id 1}": "{option name 1}",
          "{option id 2}": "{option name 2}",

          "{option id n}": "{option name n}"
      "{field id 2}": {},

      "{field id n}": {}

The available options are described in the table below:

{category identifier}Describes the identifier of the configuration category where the settings must be placed. It’s equivalent to the category field of the @ExtendedObjectClassDefinition annotation explained here. The category field of configuration.json is optional and, when not set, the project’s name specified in package.json is used. You need JS Portlet Extender 1.1.0+ for this feature to work. Otherwise, the system configuration will show up under PlatformThird Party in System Settings.
{name of configuration}the configuration’s name as a string or a localization key. If no value is given, the bundler falls back to the project’s name, then description given in package.json.
{field id}the field’s name as a string or a localization key
{field type}specifies the field’s type, which can be one of the following types:  - number: an integer number - float: a floating point number - string: a string - boolean: true or false - password: a password (string)
{field name}the field’s name as a string or a localization key
{field description}an optional string or a localization key that describes the field’s purpose and appears as hint text near it
{default value}an optional default value for the field
optionsan optional section that defines a fixed set of values for the field
{option id}a string that defines the option’s ID
{option name}the option’s name as a string or a localization key

An example configuration is shown below:

  "system": {
    "category": "third-party",
    "name": "My project",
    "fields": {
      "a-number": {
        "type": "number",
        "name": "A number",
        "description": "An integer number",
        "default": "42"
      "a-string": {
        "type": "string",
        "name": "A string",
        "description": "An arbitrary length string",
        "default": "this is a string"
      "a-password": {
        "type": "password",
        "name": "A password",
        "description": "A secret string",
        "default": "s3.cr3t"
      "a-boolean": {
        "type": "boolean",
        "name": "A boolean",
        "description": "A true|false value",
        "default": true
      "an-option": {
        "type": "string",
        "name": "An option",
        "description": "A restricted values option",
        "required": true,
        "default": "A",
        "options": {
          "A": "Option a",
          "B": "Option b"
  "portletInstance": {
    "name": "Widget configuration",
    "fields": {
      "a-float": {
        "type": "float",
        "name": "A float",
        "description": "A floating point number",
        "default": "1.1"
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