The Liferay
global JavaScript Object exposes useful methods, objects, and
properties, each containing a wealth of information, one of which is
. If you have experience with Java development in Liferay DXP, you
may be familiar with ThemeDisplay. The JavaScript object exposes the same
information as the ThemeDisplay Java Class. It gives you access to valuable
information that you can use in your applications, such as the Portal instance,
the current user, the user’s language, whether the user is signed in or being
impersonated, the file path to the theme’s resources, and much more.
The Liferay
global object is automatically available in Liferay DXP at runtime.
To access the ThemeDisplay
object, use the following dot notation in your app:
This reference describes some of the most commonly used ThemeDisplay
for retrieving IDs, file paths, and login information. An exhaustive list of all
of the available methods is displayed in the table below:
Method | Type | Description |
getLayoutId | number | |
getLayoutRelativeURL | string | Returns the relative URL for the page |
getLayoutURL | string | |
getParentLayoutId | number | |
isControlPanel | boolean | |
isPrivateLayout | boolean | |
isVirtualLayout | boolean | |
getBCP47LanguageId | number | |
getCDNBaseURL | string | Returns the content delivery network (CDN) base URL, or the current portal URL if the CDN base URL is null |
getCDNDynamicResourcesHost | string | Returns the content delivery network (CDN) dynamic resources host, or the current portal URL if the CDN dynamic resources host is null |
getCDNHost | string | |
getCompanyGroupId | number | |
getCompanyId | number | Returns the portal instance ID |
getDefaultLanguageId | number | |
getDoAsUserIdEncoded | string | |
getLanguageId | number | Returns the user’s language ID |
getParentGroupId | number | |
getPathContext | string | |
getPathImage | string | Returns the relative path of the portlet’s image directory |
getPathJavaScript | string | Returns the relative path of the directory containing the portlet’s JavaScript source files |
getPathMain | string | Returns the path of the portal instance’s main directory |
getPathThemeImages | string | Returns the path of the current theme’s image directory |
getPathThemeRoot | string | Returns the relative path of the current theme’s root directory |
getPlid | string | Returns the primary key of the page |
getPortalURL | string | Returns the portal instance’s base URL |
getScopeGroupId | number | Returns the ID of the scoped or sub-scoped active group (e.g. site) |
getScopeGroupIdOrLiveGroupId | number | |
getSessionId | number | Returns the session ID, or a blank string if the session ID is not available to the application |
getSiteGroupId | number | |
getURLControlPanel | string | |
getURLHome | string | |
getUserId | number | Returns the ID of the user for which the current request is being handled |
getUserName | string | Returns the user’s name |
isAddSessionIdToURL | boolean | |
isFreeformLayout | boolean | |
isImpersonated | boolean | Returns true if the current user is being impersonated. Authorized administrative users can impersonate act as another user to test that user’s account |
isSignedIn | boolean | Returns true if the user is logged in to the portal |
isStateExclusive | boolean | |
isStateMaximized | boolean | |
isStatePopUp | boolean |
The example configuration below alerts users with a standard message if they are
a guest or a personal greeting if they are signed in. This is a basic example,
and perhaps a bit invasive, but it illustrates how you can create unique
experiences for each user with the ThemeDisplay
alert('Hello ' + Liferay.ThemeDisplay.getUserName() + '. Welcome Back.')
else {
alert('Hello Guest.')