At a designated time, Liferay may cease enhancing a product or capability. This is called maintenance mode. During this mode, Liferay actively supports and provides bug fixes for the product or capability in accordance with the subscribers’ subscription level and the end of service life policies of the compatible Liferay DXP version. Maintenance mode does not necessarily mean that deprecation in a future Liferay DXP version is planned for the product or capability; it only means that enhancements aren’t being made for the current Liferay DXP development cycle.
As of Liferay DXP 7.2, these products and capabilities have transitioned into maintenance mode:
- Liferay Connected Services
- Liferay Connector to OAuth 1.0a
- Liferay Drools
- Liferay Mobile Experience (Liferay Screens, Liferay Mobile SDK, Liferay Push)
- Liferay Reports
- Liferay Sync
- Staging