As you navigate the Product Menu, you can see that Panel Apps like Web Content and Settings are organized into Panel Categories such as Content & Data and Configuration. This article explains how to add new Panel Categories to the menu. Adding new Panel Apps is covered in the next section.
There are three steps to creating a new category:
Create the OSGi structure and metadata.
Implement Liferay’s Frameworks.
Define the Panel Category.
Creating the OSGi Module
First you must create the project.
Create an OSGi module using your favorite third party tool, or use Blade CLI. Blade CLI offers a Panel App template, which is for creating a Panel Category and Panel App.
Create a unique package name in the module’s
directory and create a new Java class in that package. To follow naming conventions, give your class a unique name followed byPanelCategory
Implementing Liferay’s Frameworks
Next, you must connect your OSGi module to Liferay’s frameworks and use those to define information about your entry. This takes only two steps:
Insert the
annotation declaring the panel category keys directly above the class’s declaration:@Component( immediate = true, property = { "panel.category.key=" + [Panel Category Key], "panel.category.order:Integer=[int]" }, service = PanelCategory.class )
You can view an example of a similar
annotation for theUserPanelCategory
class below:@Component( immediate = true, property = { "panel.category.key=" + PanelCategoryKeys.ROOT, "panel.category.order:Integer=200" }, service = PanelCategory.class )
element designates two properties that should be assigned for your category. Thepanel.category.key
specifies the parent category for your custom category. You can find popular parent categories to assign in thePanelCategoryKeys
class. For instance, if you wanted to create a child category in the Control Panel, you could assignPanelCategoryKeys.CONTROL_PANEL
. Likewise, if you wanted to create a root category, like the Control Panel or Site Administration, you could assignPanelCategoryKeys.ROOT
property specifies the order in which your category is displayed. The higher the number (integer), the lower your category is listed among other sibling categories assigned to a parent.Finally, your
element should specify thePanelCategory.class
service. -
Implement the
interface. See thePanelCategory
Interface section for more details. Extending one of the provided base classes (BasePanelCategory or BaseJSPPanelCategory) is a popular way to implement thePanelCategory
interface. -
If you elect to leverage JSPs, you must also specify the servlet context from where you are loading the JSP files. If this is inside an OSGi module, make sure your
file has defined a web context path:Bundle-SymbolicName: Web-ContextPath: /my-module-web
Then reference the Servlet context using the symbolic name of your module like this:
@Override @Reference( target = "(", unbind = "-" ) public void setServletContext(ServletContext servletContext) { super.setServletContext(servletContext); }
Excellent! You’ve successfully created a custom Panel Category to display in the Product Menu. In many cases, a Panel Category holds Panel Apps for users to access. You’ll learn how to add a Panel App to a Panel Category next.