Migrating Plugins SDK Projects to Liferay Workspace

The Plugins SDK was deprecated for Liferay DXP 7.0. Therefore, to upgrade your custom apps to Liferay DXP 7.0, it’s recommended to migrate them to a new environment. Liferay Workspace is the recommended environment for your code migration and will be the assumed choice in this section.

There are two steps you must follow to migrate your custom code to workspace:

  1. Import the Plugins SDK project into the Upgrade Planner.

  2. Convert the Plugins SDK project to a supported workspace build type.

You’ll step through importing a Plugins SDK project first.

Importing Existing Plugins SDK Projects

Initiating this step in the Upgrade Planner imports your Plugins SDK projects into the Upgrade Planner. These projects originate from the Plugins SDK you set when the Upgrade Planner process was started.

If you’re manually upgrading your code, you can skip this step.

You’re now ready to migrate your Plugins SDK projects to your new workspace!

Migrating Existing Plugins to Workspace

Liferay Workspace can be generated as a Gradle or Maven environment, but it does not support the Plugins SDK’s Ant build. Because of this, you must convert your projects to one of the supported build tools:

  • Gradle
  • Maven

When initiating this step for a Gradle-based workspace, your Ant-based Plugins SDK project is copied to the applicable workspace folder based on its project type (e.g., wars) and is converted to a Gradle project. There is also a Blade CLI command that completes this via the command line. Visit the Converting Plugins SDK Projects with Blade CLI article for more information.

If you’re migrating your Ant project to a Maven workspace, you must manually copy the project to the applicable folder based on the project type (e.g., wars). The majority of Plugins SDK projects belong in the workspace’s wars folder. You can consult the Workspace Anatomy section for a full overview of a workspace’s folder structure and choose where your custom app should reside. Once you’ve made the decision, copy your custom app to the applicable workspace folder.

Then you must convert your project from Ant to Maven. You’ll have to complete this conversion manually.

Once you’re finished, you should have your project(s) residing in the applicable workspace folders as Gradle/Maven projects.

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