The User Personal Bar is a portlet, but it’s also an important concept in Liferay DXP. In a fresh bundle using the default theme, it’s the section of screen occupied by the User’s avatar and the Personal Menu.
Figure 1: By default, the User Personal Bar contains the signed-in user's avatar, which opens the Personal Menu when selected.
The User Personal Bar holds only the Personal Menu by default, but it can also contain any functionality you want (even additional portlets). The User Personal Bar is included by default in every Liferay theme, but you can replace it with a portlet or customize it by adding entries to the existing portlet’s menu.
This section covers these topics:
- Replacing the default User Personal Bar portlet with a custom portlet.
- Customizing the default User Personal Bar.
Displaying the Personal Menu
Starting with Liferay DXP 7.2, the Personal Menu is no longer part of the
Product Menu, but is instead included in the User Personal Bar. To display the
existing User Personal Bar in your own theme, embed the portlet into your theme
by adding the following snippet into portal_normal.ftl
<@liferay.user_personal_bar />
You’ll use the same snippet even if you’re replacing the default User Personal Bar portlet with your own.
If you use a custom portlet to provide the User Personal Bar, but wish to include the default Personal Menu, make sure to render it by using this tag in your portlet’s JSP:
expanded="<%= true %>"
label="<%= userAvatar %>"
Unlike the Product Menu, the Personal Menu can be customized without creating panel categories and panel apps. See Customizing the Personal Menu for details.