Liferay DXP 7.2デプロイメントガイド
Deploying Liferay DXP
- Introduction to Deploying Liferay DXP
- Obtaining Liferay DXP
- Preparing for Install
- Installing Liferay DXP
- Installing Liferay DXP on Tomcat
- Installing Liferay DXP on Wildfly
Configuring Liferay DXP
- Introduction to Configuring Liferay DXP
- Configuring Mail
- Locales and Encoding Configuration
- Liferay DXP Clustering
- Point all Nodes to the Same Liferay DXP Database
- Configure Documents and Media the Same for all Nodes
Installing a Search Engine
- Introduction to Installing a Search Engine
- Elasticsearch
- Elasticsearchのインストール準備
- Installing Elasticsearch
- Configuring the Liferay Elasticsearch Connector
- Advanced Configuration of the Liferay Elasticsearch Connector
Securing Liferay DXP
- Introduction to Securing Liferay DXP
- Logging into Liferay DXP
- Service Access Policies
- Authentication Verifiers
- Configuring LDAP
Upgrading to Liferay DXP 7.2
- Introduction to Upgrading to Liferay DXP 7.2
- Planning for Deprecated Applications
- Test Upgrading a Liferay DXP Backup Copy
- Pruning the Database
- Example: Removing Intermediate Journal Article Versions
- Upgrading Your Test Server and Database
Maintaining Liferay DXP
- Introduction to Maintaining Liferay DXP
- Patching Liferay DXP
- Patching Basics
- Using the Patching Tool
- Installing Patches
- Working with Patches
Managing Liferay DXP with Liferay Connected Services
- Introduction to Managing Liferay DXP with Liferay Connected Services
- Getting Started with LCS
- LCS Preconfiguration
- Registering Your Liferay DXP Server with LCS
- Using LCS
- What LCS Stores About Your Liferay DXP Servers