Note: please note that Liferay has renamed its Liferay Experience
Could offerings to Liferay SaaS (formerly LXC) and
Liferay PaaS (formerly LXC-SM).
- Liferay Learn ( is not loading properly and looks distorted such as below when accessed.
- Any browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc)
- Liferay Learn launch on Liferay SaaS went live on March 15.
- If the issue is occurring on only one machine, check if browser cache has been cleared or if DNS needs to be flushed.
- If the issue is occurring on all machines within a network, but not when accessed outside the network, check network firewall settings, as some of the content may be getting blocked by the firewall.
- If these do not resolve the issue, please open a Support ticket to investigate further.
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