Knowledge Base 'Filter & Order' is not working


  • Steps to reproduce:
    1. Start Liferay DXP 7.3 SP3.
    Navigate to Content & Data > Knowledge Base.
    3. Create a folder and inside create multiple Basic Articles.
    4. Now, click on Filter & Order, it's not updating the data according to the Filter. Additionally, the 'filter & order' is not working on the Knowledge Base listing page.
    Actual Result: 'Filter & Order' is not working according to provided user's filter.
    Expected Result: 'Filter & Order' should work according to provided user's filter.


  • Liferay DXP 7.3


  • The observed behavior is a known bug.
  • If a hotfix is required for this issue, please create a support ticket requesting a hotfix by attaching patch details.
  • Installing Fix Packs and Hotfixes on Liferay DXP will guide to installation of the hotfix in the respective environment.

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