Microsoft Translator fails to auto translate to Indonesian language


  • After enabling Microsoft Translator, as per this documentation, selecting the Indonesian language to translate to and clicking the Auto Translate button, the following message appears in the UI, “There’s a problem with the translation service. Please contact your administrator”.


  • Liferay DXP 7.4
  • 2023.Q4.4


  • Liferay’s technical team found out that the root cause was a mismatch between Liferay’s language code and the Microsoft one. Microsoft uses “id” as language code for Indonesian, whereas Liferay was passing “in” since “in_ID” is the language code that was registered in the portal.
  • The issue was fixed by LPD-23561 and it can be found on 2024.Q1.7. If you're on a weekly 7.4 release, we strongly recommend upgrading to one of our available Quarterly Release versions before requesting a hotfix to Liferay Support. As an alternative, you can also upgrade to 2024.Q1.7 since the fix is already added to this one.




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