DXP 7.0 Database Portal Properties

This article is intended to provide a list of all the Liferay DXP 7.0 Database properties that can be used to connect your DXP 7.0 installation to various databases. To use any of them, uncomment the block of code you need, and paste it into your portal-ext.properties file.

For example, to enable MySQL, you should copy and paste the below into your portal-ext.properties:

    # MySQL

Replace lportal in jdbc.default.url with the name of your database, uncommenting the four properties, and inserting the username and password of your intended database user in the appropriate properties.


Portal Properties


    # Set the JNDI name to lookup the JDBC data source. If none is set,
    # then the portal will attempt to create the JDBC data source based on the
    # properties prefixed with "jdbc.default.".

    # Set the properties used to create the JDBC data source. These properties
    # will only be read if the property "jdbc.default.jndi.name" is not set.
    # The default settings are configured for an in-memory database called
    # Hypersonic that is not recommended for production use. Please change the
    # properties to use another database.
    # Add dynamic-data-source-spring.xml to the property "spring.configs" to
    # configure the portal to use one database cluster for read calls and
    # another database cluster for write calls. The convention is to create a
    # set of properties prefixed with "jdbc.read." to handle read calls and
    # another set of properties prefixed with "jdbc.write." to handle write
    # calls. These data sources can also be created via JNDI by setting the
    # properties "jdbc.read.jndi.name" and "jdbc.write.jndi.name". Note that
    # these settings, though separate, are a copy of the default settings with
    # the newly overridden values.



    # DB2



    # Hypersonic



    # MariaDB



    # MySQL



    # Oracle



    # P6Spy



    # PostgreSQL


SQL Server

    # SQL Server



    # Sybase
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