Common Errors in Remote Staging in Liferay DXP

This article documents the activation and setup errors in Remote Staging, and lists steps to resolve the issue or avoid it altogether. If users want to know about activating staging in general, please see Enable Remote Live Staging.


Error: Users are unable to publish content to Remote Staging.

Summary: Users are attempting to publish content to a remote live server from their staged environment but encounter errors.

Common Causes

  1. Servers are missing the correct tunnel.servlet.hosts.allowed= in the remote server’s
  2. SSL has been improperly configured.

Recommended Solution

As already explained on the user interface, and in other documentation, put the tunnel.servlet.hosts.allowed= setting in remote server's with the IP address of the staged server.

Alternately, users can use the Control Panel on the Remote Server. To use the Control Panel, execute the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Control Panel > Configuration > System Settings
  2. Search for the Tunnel Auth Verifiers setting and click it.

    (For users working on DXP 7.1, the setting has been renamed Tunnel Authentication)

  3. Click on /api/liferay/do.
  4. In the list of Hosts allowed, enter the URL of the Staged Server.
  5. Click Update
Caution: As a general principle, Control Panel settings will override settings. Ensure that any changes made in the Control Panel are the desired changes.

If users desire to publish content across a secure connection, enable the application server's SSL connections and consult the appropriate application server documentation.

Prevention Tips

  1. If the user has enabled SSL, ensure that Java security files have been generated correctly and that they are in the right file folder for each application server. Ensure that the application server's secure ports have been activated (e.g. 8443, in most cases).

  2. Ensure that the target's IP, port, and site ID (e.g. 10444) are correct in the staged server.

Additional Information

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