Developing an Ext Plugin

An Ext plugin changes Liferay itself when deployed; it’s not a separate component that can be easily removed at any time. For this reason, the Ext plugin development process is different from other plugin types. It’s important to remember that once an Ext plugin is deployed, some of its files are copied inside the Liferay installation; the only way to remove its changes is by redeploying an unmodified Liferay application.

The Plugins SDK lets you deploy and redeploy Ext plugins during your development phase. Redeployment involves cleaning (i.e. removing) your application server and unzipping your specified Liferay bundle to start from scratch. That way any changes made to the Ext plugin during development are properly applied, and files removed from your plugin by previous changes aren’t left behind in the Liferay application. This added complexity is why we recommend using another plugin type to accomplish your goals, whenever possible.

Before digging in to the details, here’s an overview of the steps required to develop Ext plugins:

  • We’ll show you how to configure your Plugins SDK environment to develop Ext plugins for Liferay Portal on your application server.
  • We’ll show you how to deploy and publish your Ext plugins for the first time.
  • We’ll show you how to to redeploy normally or use a clean redeployment process after making changes to your Ext plugins.
  • We’ll show you how to package your Ext plugins for distribution.
  • We’ll show you examples of Liferay Portal customizations that require advanced customization techniques.

Now let’s look at each step of the development proces in more detail.

Set up

Before deploying an Ext plugin, you must edit the build.[username].properties file in the root folder of your Plugins SDK. If the file doesn’t yet exist, create it now. Substitute [username] with your user ID on your computer. Once you’ve opened your build properties file, add the following properties–make sure the individual paths reflect the right locations on your system:[work]

app.server.dir=[work]/liferay-portal-[version]/[app server][...]/liferay-portal-[app server].zip

Your property should specify the path to your Liferay bundle .zip file. Your work directory, specified by the property, is where you’ve unzipped your Liferay bundle runtime. The app.server.dir property should point to your application server’s directory in your work directory. Look in your Liferay bundle at the path to the application server directory to determine the value to use for your app.server.dir property.

For example, C:/work could be your value. If we have a Liferay bundle .zip file C:/downloads/ which we set as the value for our property, the relative path to the application server within our Liferay bundle .zip file is liferay-portal-6.1.2-ce-ga3\tomcat-7.0.40. We’d then specify C:/work/liferay-portal-6.1.2-ce-ga3/tomcat-7.0.40 as our app.server.dir property value.

Next we’ll change our newly created Ext plugin and deploy it.

Initial deployment

Our environment is set up and we’re ready to start customizing. First let’s look at a simple example that customizes the sections of a user profile. The configuration can be made through the configuration file, but a hook plugin won’t let us modify the property we’re customizing. Open the docroot/WEB-INF/ext-impl/src/ file and paste in the following contents:


We’ve removed the sections for user groups, personal sites, and categorizations from the user profile page. This ensures that these sections won’t be used in our portal.

Now we’re ready to deploy.

Deploy the plugin

You can deploy your plugin from Liferay Developer Studio or the terminal.

Deploying In Developer Studio: Drag your example-ext project from your Package Explorer onto your server.

Figure 8.3: Drag-and-drop plugin onto server

Figure 8.3: Drag-and-drop plugin onto server

Deploying In the terminal: Open a terminal window in your ext/example-ext directory and enter one of these commands:

    ant deploy

    ant direct-deploy

The direct-deploy target deploys all plugin changes directly to the appropriate directories in the Liferay application. The deploy target creates a .war file with your changes and then deploys it to your server. Either way, your server must be restarted after the deploy occurs. Using direct-deploy is usually preferred for deploying Ext plugins during development. However, direct-deploy does not work in WebLogic Server or WebSphere application server environments.

A BUILD SUCCESSFUL message indicates your plugin is now being deployed. If you switch to the console window running Liferay, in few seconds you should see the message

Extension environment for example-ext has been applied. You must reboot the
server and redeploy all other plugins

If any changes applied through the Ext plugin affect the deployment process itself, you must redeploy all other plugins. Even if the Ext plugin doesn’t affect the deployment process, it’s a best practice to redeploy all your other plugins following initial deployment of the Ext plugin.

The ant deploy target builds a .war file with your changes and copies them to the auto-deploy directory inside the Liferay installation. When the server starts, it detects the .war file, inspects it, and copies its contents to the appropriate destinations inside the deployed and running Liferay application.

Restart your application server, and let’s find out about publishing your changes.

Publish the plugin

To complete the deployment process, your Ext plugin must be published to the Liferay server. As with deployment, you can publish using Liferay Developer Studio or your terminal.

Publishing in Developer Studio:

  1. Select the Liferay server in the Servers view.

  2. Select the server’s Publish option.

Figure 8.4: How to publish the Ext Plugin

Figure 8.4: How to publish the Ext Plugin

Publishing in the terminal: Restart the Liferay server.

Let’s try Liferay portal, customized by your Ext plugin. Once your server restarts, log in as an administrator and go to Control Panel → Users and Organizations. Edit an existing user and verify that the right navigation menu only shows the five sections that we referenced from the users.form.update.main property.

Figure 8.5: You should see these five sections under the User Information heading

Figure 8.5: You should see these five sections under the User Information heading

That was a simple application of an Ext plugin. Let’s proceed with a more complex customization that illustrates the proper way to redeploy an Ext plugin, which is different from initial deployment.

Let’s customize the details section of the user profile. Rather than override its JSP, we’ll use a more powerful method that lets us add new sections or even merge existing ones. With Liferay we can refer to custom sections from the and implement them just by creating a JSP. We’ll modify the property users.form.update.main again and the property users.form.add.main to set the following:


We removed the original details section and added a custom one called basic. When Liferay Portal’s user administration reads the property, it looks for the implementation of each section based on the following conventions:

  • The section is implemented in a JSP inside the following directory:

  • The name of the JSP uses the name of the section, with the .jsp extension. If the section name has a dash, (-), replace it with an underscore (_). For example, if the section is called my-info, the JSP should be named my_info.jsp to comply with JSP naming standards.

  • The section name that’s shown to the user comes from the language bundles. When using a key/value that is not included with Liferay, add it to both your Ext plugin’s file and the language-specific properties file for each language variant you’re providing a translation for. These files go in the ext-impl/src directory of your Ext plugin.

For our example, we’ll create a file in the Ext plugin with the following path:


We can write the contents of the file from scratch or just copy the details.jsp file from Liferay’s source code and modify from there. Let’s do the latter and then remove some fields, leaving the screen name, email address, first name, and last name fields to simplify user creation and user update. Here’s the resulting JSP code:

<%@ include file="/html/portlet/users_admin/init.jsp" %>

User selUser = (User)request.getAttribute("user.selUser");
Contact selContact = (Contact)request.getAttribute("user.selContact");

<liferay-ui:error-marker key="errorSection" value="details" />

<aui:model-context bean="<%= selUser %>" model="<%= User.class %>" />

<h3><liferay-ui:message key="details" /></h3>

<aui:fieldset column="<%= true %>" cssClass="aui-w50">
    <liferay-ui:success key="verificationEmailSent" message="your-email-verification-code-has-been-sent-and-the-new-email-address-will-be-applied-to-your-account-once-it-has-been-verified" />

    <liferay-ui:error exception="<%= DuplicateUserScreenNameException.class %>" message="the-screen-name-you-requested-is-already-taken" />

    <liferay-ui:error exception="<%= GroupFriendlyURLException.class %>">

        GroupFriendlyURLException gfurle = (GroupFriendlyURLException)errorException;

        <c:if test="<%= gfurle.getType() == GroupFriendlyURLException.DUPLICATE %>">
            <liferay-ui:message key="the-screen-name-you-requested-is-associated-with-an-existing-friendly-url" />

    <liferay-ui:error exception="<%= ReservedUserScreenNameException.class %>" message="the-screen-name-you-requested-is-reserved" />
    <liferay-ui:error exception="<%= UserScreenNameException.class %>" message="please-enter-a-valid-screen-name" />

    <c:if test="<%= !PrefsPropsUtil.getBoolean(company.getCompanyId(), PropsKeys.USERS_SCREEN_NAME_ALWAYS_AUTOGENERATE) || (selUser != null) %>">
            <c:when test="<%= PrefsPropsUtil.getBoolean(company.getCompanyId(), PropsKeys.USERS_SCREEN_NAME_ALWAYS_AUTOGENERATE) || ((selUser != null) && !UsersAdminUtil.hasUpdateScreenName(permissionChecker, selUser)) %>">
                <aui:field-wrapper name="screenName">
                    <%= selUser.getScreenName() %>

                    <aui:input name="screenName" type="hidden" value="<%= selUser.getScreenName() %>" />
                <aui:input name="screenName" />

    <liferay-ui:error exception="<%= DuplicateUserEmailAddressException.class %>" message="the-email-address-you-requested-is-already-taken" />
    <liferay-ui:error exception="<%= ReservedUserEmailAddressException.class %>" message="the-email-address-you-requested-is-reserved" />
    <liferay-ui:error exception="<%= UserEmailAddressException.class %>" message="please-enter-a-valid-email-address" />

        <c:when test="<%= (selUser != null) && !UsersAdminUtil.hasUpdateEmailAddress(permissionChecker, selUser) %>">
            <aui:field-wrapper name="emailAddress">
                <%= selUser.getDisplayEmailAddress() %>

                <aui:input name="emailAddress" type="hidden" value="<%= selUser.getEmailAddress() %>" />

            User displayEmailAddressUser = null;

            if (selUser != null) {
                displayEmailAddressUser = (User)selUser.clone();


            <aui:input bean="<%= displayEmailAddressUser %>" model="<%= User.class %>" name="emailAddress">
                <c:if test="<%= PrefsPropsUtil.getBoolean(company.getCompanyId(), PropsKeys.USERS_EMAIL_ADDRESS_REQUIRED) %>">
                    <aui:validator name="required" />

    <liferay-ui:error exception="<%= ContactFirstNameException.class %>" message="please-enter-a-valid-first-name" />
    <liferay-ui:error exception="<%= ContactFullNameException.class %>" message="please-enter-a-valid-first-middle-and-last-name" />

    <aui:input name="firstName" />

    <liferay-ui:error exception="<%= ContactLastNameException.class %>" message="please-enter-a-valid-last-name" />

    <aui:input name="lastName">
        <c:if test="<%= PrefsPropsUtil.getBoolean(company.getCompanyId(), PropsKeys.USERS_LAST_NAME_REQUIRED, PropsValues.USERS_LAST_NAME_REQUIRED) %>">
            <aui:validator name="required" />

We don’t need to add a new key to, because an entry for the key named basic is already included in Liferay’s language bundle.

Let’s redeploy our Ext plugin to review the changes we made.


So far, Ext plugin development has been similar to the development of other plugin types. You’ve now reached the point of divergence. When the plugin is first deployed, some of its files are copied into the Liferay installation. After changing an Ext plugin, you’ll either redeploy or clean redeploy, depending on the specific modifications you made to your plugin following the initial deployment. Let’s talk about each redeployment method and when to use each one.

Clean Redeployment: If you removed part(s) of your plugin, there are changes to your plugin that can affect the deployment of plugins, or you simply want to start with a clean Liferay environment, undeploy your plugin and clean your application server before redeploying your Ext plugins. By cleaning the application server, the existing Liferay installation is removed and the bundle specified in your Plugins SDK environment (e.g., the value of in build.[username].properties) is unzipped in its place. The exact steps you take differ based on whether you’re developing in Liferay Developer Studio or your terminal:

Using Developer Studio:

  1. Remove the plugin from the server. While selecting the Ext plugin in the Servers view, select the plugin’s Remove option.

    Figure 8.6: Removing Ext Plugin from the server

    Figure 8.6: Removing Ext Plugin from the server

  2. Clean the application server–while selecting the Ext plugin project in the Package Explorer view, select the plugin’s LiferayClean App Server… option.

    Figure 8.7: How to clean app server

    Figure 8.7: How to clean app server

  3. Start the Liferay server.

    Figure 8.8: Start the Liferay server

    Figure 8.8: Start the Liferay server

  4. Drag the Ext plugin and drop it into the Liferay server.

    Figure 8.9: Drag-and-drop plugin onto server

    Figure 8.9: Drag-and-drop plugin onto server

  5. While selecting the Liferay server in the Servers view, click the Publish option.

    Figure 8.10: Publish your server

    Figure 8.10: Publish your server

Using the terminal:

  1. Stop the Liferay server.

  2. For each Ext plugin you’re deploying, enter the following into your console:

    cd [your-plugin-ext]
    ant clean-app-server
    ant direct-deploy
  3. Start the Liferay server.

Redeployment: If you only added to your plugin or made modifications that don’t affect the plugin deployment process, you can redeploy using the following steps:

  • Using Developer Studio: Right-click your plugin located underneath your server and select Redeploy.

    Figure 8.11: How to redeploy your Ext plugin

    Figure 8.11: How to redeploy your Ext plugin

  • Using the terminal: Redeploy in the terminal using the same procedure as for initial deployment. Open a terminal window in your ext/example-ext directory and execute either ant deploy or ant direct-deploy.

See above in the Initial deployment section if you’re not sure which command to use.

After your example-ext plugin is published to Liferay Portal, check out your basic details page by choosing to add a user or view an existing user.

Figure 8.12: You should only see user fields for screen name, email address, first name, and last name

Figure 8.12: You should only see user fields for screen name, email address, first name, and last name

That completes the development process. Let’s learn how you can package your Ext plugin for distribution and production.


Once you’re finished developing the plugin, you can package it in a .war file for distribution and production deployment.

Using Developer Studio: With your Ext plugin project selected in the Package Explorer view, select the project’s LiferaySDKwar option.

Figure 8.13: Accessing the war option

Figure 8.13: Accessing the *war* option

Using the terminal: From your Ext plugin’s directory (e.g., ext/example-ext), enter

ant war

The .war file is written to your [liferay-plugins]/dist directory.

You really have the hang of building and packaging your Ext plugins! Our next section covers JBoss 7 requirements for packaging up an Ext plugin containing a new taglib. If this doesn’t apply to you, feel free to skip over it and to start reading about advanced customization techniques.

Ext Plugin Packaging Requirements for JBoss 7

If you’re developing an Ext plugin that defines a new taglib, you need to take JBoss’s classloading behavior into account. Before packaging this kind of Ext plugin, create a jboss-deployment-structure.xml file in the Ext plugin’s WEB-INF/ folder and add the following contents to it:

<jboss-deployment-structure xmlns="urn:jboss:deployment-structure:1.0">
                        <module name="deployment.util-taglib"></module>
                        <module name="com.liferay.portal"></module>
                <module name="deployment.util-taglib">
                                <resource-root path="WEB-INF/ext-util-taglib/ext-util-taglib.jar" />
                                <resource-root path="WEB-INF/lib/util-taglib.jar"></resource-root>
                                <resource-root path="WEB-INF/lib/util-java.jar"></resource-root>
                                <module name="javax.faces.api"></module>
                                <module name="javax.servlet.api" />
                                <module name="javax.servlet.jsp.api" />
                                <module name="com.liferay.portal"></module>

Also, add the following line to your Ext plugin’s file, setting the util-taglib.jar as a dependency:


Once you’ve made these updates, you can package your plugin and deploy it, per the normal process described previously in this chapter.

Now that you’ve learned the basics of Ext plugin development have covered this requirement for JBoss customizations, let’s look at some advanced customizations that you can do.

Advanced customization techniques

With Ext plugins, you can change almost everything in Liferay. Let’s look at some additional customization techniques made possible by Ext plugins. As always, be careful when using Ext plugins.

With each new version of Liferay, there can be changes to the implementation classes. If you change Liferay’s source code directly, you’ll have to merge your changes into the newer Liferay version. To minimize such conflicts, the best approach is not to change anything. Rather, you can extend the class you want to change and override the required methods. Then use the requisite Liferay configuration files to reference your subclass as a replacement for the original class.

In the following subsections, we’ll cover these topics:

  • Using advanced configuration files
  • Changing the API of a core service
  • Replacing core classes in portal-impl

Let’s learn to use advanced configuration files next.

Using advanced configuration files

Liferay uses several internal configuration files for its own architecture; in addition, there are configuration files for the libraries and frameworks Liferay depends on, like Struts and Spring. Configuration could be accomplished using fewer files with more properties in each, but maintenance and use is made easier by splitting up the configuration properties into several files. For advanced customization needs, it may be useful to override the configuration specified in multiple configuration files. Liferay provides a clean way to do this from an Ext plugin without modifying the original files.

Below we list all the configuration files in Liferay by their path in your Ext plugin folder. We provide a description of what the file is for and the path to the original file in Liferay Portal:

  • ext-impl/src/META-INF/ext-model-hints.xml
    • Description: Allows overriding the default properties of the fields of the data models used by Liferay’s core portlets. These properties determine how the form fields for each model are rendered.
    • Original file in Liferay: portal-impl/src/META-INF/portal-model-hints.xml
  • ext-impl/src/META-INF/ext-spring.xml
    • Description: Allows overriding the Spring configuration used by Liferay and any of its core portlets. It’s most commonly used to configure specific data sources or swap the implementation of a given service with a custom one.
    • Original files in Liferay: portal-impl/src/META-INF/*-spring.xml
  • ext-impl/src/content/Language-ext_*.properties
    • Description: Allow overriding the value of any key used by Liferay’s UI to support I18N.
    • Original file in Liferay: portal-impl/src/content/Language-*.properties
  • ext-impl/src/META-INF/portal-log4j-ext.xml
    • Description: Allows overriding the log4j configuration. It’s most commonly used to increase or decrease the log level of a given package or class, to obtain more information, or hide unneeded information from the logs.
    • Original file in Liferay: portal-impl/src/META-INF/portal-log4j.xml
  • ext-impl/src/com/liferay/portal/jcr/jackrabbit/dependencies/repository-ext.xml
    • Description: Allows overriding the configuration of the Jackrabbit repository. Refer to the Jackrabbit configuration documentation for details (
    • Original file in Liferay: portal-impl/src/com/liferay/portal/jcr/jackrabbit/dependencies/repository.xml
  • ext-web/docroot/WEB-INF/portlet-ext.xml
    • Description: Allows overriding the declaration of the core portlets included in Liferay. It’s most commonly used to change the init parameters or the roles specified.
    • Original file in Liferay: portal-web/docroot/WEB-INF/portlet-custom.xml
  • ext-web/docroot/WEB-INF/liferay-portlet-ext.xml
    • Description: Allows overriding the Liferay-specific declaration of the core portlets included in Liferay. Refer to the liferay-portlet-app_6_1_0.dtd file for details on all the available options. Use this file with care; the code of the portlets may be assuming some of these options to be set to certain values.
    • Original file in Liferay: portal-web/docroot/WEB-INF/liferay-portlet.xml
  • ext-web/docroot/WEB-INF/liferay-display.xml
    • Description: Allows overriding the portlets that are shown in the Add Application pop-up and the categories in which they’re organized. It’s most commonly used to change the categorization, hide certain portlets, or make specific Control Panel portlets available to be added to a page.
    • Original file in Liferay: portal-web/docroot/WEB-INF/liferay-display.xml
  • ext-web/docroot/WEB-INF/liferay-layout-templates-ext.xml
    • Description: Allows specifying custom template files for each of Liferay’s standard layout templates. This is rarely necessary.
    • Original file in Liferay: portal-web/docroot/WEB-INF/liferay-layout-templates.xml
  • ext-web/docroot/WEB-INF/liferay-look-and-feel-ext.xml
    • Description: Allows changing the properties of Liferay’s default themes. This is rarely used.
    • Original file in Liferay: portal-web/docroot/WEB-INF/liferay-look-and-feel.xml

Let’s learn how to configure a Lucene Analyzer next.

Configuring Lucene Analyzers

Liferay uses Lucene to facilitate search and indexing within the portal. In old versions of Liferay, you could configure Lucene analyzers from While convenient, it was problematic to have only a single analyzer for all portal-indexed fields. For example, it was difficult to provide correct behaviors for handling both keyword and text fields.

In Liferay 6.1, you no longer configure Lucene from Instead, Lucene analyzers are defined in Spring configuration files. The default analyzer configuration is defined in /portal-impl/src/META-INF/search-spring.xml. Liferay 6.1 introduced per-field analyzers, allowing Lucene’s query parser to identify the correct analyzer to handle any field.

There are two common scenarios where it’s useful to configure Lucene analyzers: when creating custom language analyzers to override a Liferay language analyzer, and when creating a custom indexer to index new fields. Liferay provides a large number of language analyzers in search-spring.xml out of the box and uses regular expression matching to map localized fields to specific analyzers. If your language is not included among the defaults, or you’re not satisfied with one of the default language analyzers, you can override it with a custom analyzer. If you’ve created a custom indexer to index new fields, you can use the default analyzer for your new fields, select a specific one (such as one of the KeywordAnalyzers), or define a custom analyzer.

To customize the Lucene analyzer configuration, you must create an Ext plugin. The Analyzer classes reference the Lucene APIs directly, so it’s not possible to configure Lucene analyzers from a hook plugin. In your Ext plugin, create a /docroot/WEB-INF/ext-impl/src/META-INF/ext-spring.xml file and declare the beans you’ll override with a custom configuration.

Here are a few of the pre-configured analyzers from the bean configuration in search-spring.xml:

<entry key="tag"
       value-ref="" /> 
<entry key="templateId" 
       value-ref="org.apache.lucene.analysis.KeywordAnalyzer" />
<entry key="treePath"
       value-ref="" /> 
<entry key="type" 
       value-ref="org.apache.lucene.analysis.KeywordAnalyzer" /> 
<entry key="userName"
       value-ref="" /> 
<entry key=".*_ar" 
       value-ref="" />
<entry key=".*_de_DE"
       value-ref="" /> 
<entry key=".*_el_GR" 
       value-ref="org.apache.lucene.analysis.el.GreekAnalyzer" />
<entry key=".*_fa_IR"
       value-ref="org.apache.lucene.analysis.fa.PersianAnalyzer" /> 
<entry key=".*_fr_[A-Z]{2}"
       value-ref="" />

You can define custom analyzers for any fields, including custom fields.

Let’s learn to change the API of a core service next.

Changing the API of a core service

Sometimes you might need to change the API of a method provided by one of Liferay’s services (e.g., UserLocalService). This is an advanced customization need.

Is it even possible to change the API of a core service? Not directly. Don’t worry, we didn’t put this section here just to tell you it’s not possible. Changing a core service API under normal circumstances requires modifying Liferay’s source code directly and making manual changes to a slew of files. But that’s not the Liferay way: there’s a better way to do it.

The best way to extend an existing service is by creating a custom service that’s complementary ( e.g., a MyUserLocalService that includes all the new methods). Your custom code can invoke this service instead of the default service, and the implementation of your service can invoke the original service as needed.

This technique doesn’t require an Ext plugin since it can be done from portlet plugins. In fact, using Service Builder for an Ext plugin is deprecated, but it’s supported for migration from the old extension environment.

Sometimes it’s desirable to change the implementation of the original service to call your custom one; that’s when you’ll need an Ext plugin. Override the Spring definition for UserLocalServiceUtil in ext-spring.xml and point it to your MyUserLocalServiceImpl (instead of UserLocalServiceImpl). Now both MyUserLocalServiceUtil and UserLocalServiceUtil will use the same Spring bean: your new implementation.

You can also replace core classes in portal-impl. Keep reading to find out how.

Replacing core classes in portal-impl

If you’re sure you need to change a core portal-impl class, and certain it can’t be replaced in a configuration file, here’s the best way to do it while avoiding conflicts when merging with a new portal version:

  1. Rename the original class (e.g., DeployUtilMyDeployUtil).

  2. Create a new subclass with the old name (e.g., DeployUtil extends MyDeployUtil).

  3. Override any methods you need to change.

  4. Delegate static methods.

  5. Use a logger with and appropriate class name for both classes (e.g., DeployUtil).

This strategy will help you determine what you’ll need to merge when a new version of Liferay is released.

That’s it for advanced customization techniques. Let’s talk about deploying in porudction next.

« Creating an Ext pluginDeploying in production »
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