Finding Portal Services

Liferay’s Javadocs are easy to browse and well-organized. Here’s how you find the Organization services:

  1. In your browser, open up the Javadocs:

  2. Under Portal Services, click the link for the com.liferay.portal.service package, since the services for the Organization entity belong to the Portal scope.

  3. Find and click on the -ServiceUtil class (in this case OrganizationLocalServiceUtil) in the class summary table or the list of classes.

It’s just that easy!

Similarly, if you want to search for one of Liferay’s built-in portlet services, no problem. But, when looking up the package, instead of clicking on the link for the service package of the portal, click on the link for the service package of the portlet. The portlet service packages use the naming convention com.liferay.portlet.[portlet-name].service, where [portlet-name] is replaced

Now you’re ready to invoke Liferay services.

« Introduction to Liferay APIsInvoking the API Locally »
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