How plugin security works

When the Plugin Security Manager is enabled for your plugin, it checks your plugin’s Portal Access Control List (PACL). This list describes what APIs the plugin accesses, so people deploying the plugin can review what it does without seeing its source code. If the plugin tries to access anything that’s not on this list, the plugin’s request is stopped dead in its tracks with the security manager logging information on the attempt to access unauthorized APIs or resources.

Access to APIs and resources is authorized by means of property values specified in the plugin’s file. This file must be specified in your plugin’s WEB-INF directory. These security manager properties are collectively known as the plugin’s PACL.

As you develop plugins for Liferay Marketplace or for distribution within your organization, you’ll need to set the security manager properties appropriately. Before we dive into the intricacies of these properties, let’s consider a plugin development approach that involves designing an app for the security manager from the ground up.

« Introduction to Plugin Security ManagementDeveloping Plugins with security in mind »
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