Installing Liferay on Resin 4

Liferay Home is one folder above Resin’s install location.

For this section, we will refer to your Resin server’s installation location as $RESIN_HOME. If you do not already have an existing Resin server, we recommend you download a Liferay/Resin bundle from If you have an existing Resin server or would like to install Liferay on Resin manually, please follow the steps below.

Before you begin, make sure you have downloaded the latest Liferay .war file and Liferay Portal dependencies from The Liferay .war file should be called liferay-portal-6.1.x-<date>.war and the dependencies file should be called liferay-portal-dependencies-6.1.x-<date>.zip.

Now that you have all of your installation files, you are ready to start installing and configuring Liferay on Resin.

Dependency Jars

Let’s work with the depenency jar files first.

  1. Unzip the jar files found in the Liferay Portal Dependencies zip file to your $RESIN_HOME/ext-lib folder. Take care to extract the zip file’s .jar files directly into this folder.

  2. Next, you need several .jar files which are included as part of the Liferay source distribution. Many application servers ship with these already on the class path but Resin does not. The best way to get the appropriate versions of these files is to download the Liferay source code and get them from there. Once you have downloaded the Liferay source, unzip the source into a temporary folder. We’ll refer to the location of the Liferay source as $LIFERAY_SOURCE.

    1. Go to $LIFERAY_SOURCE/lib/development and copy saxpath.jar into $RESIN_HOME/lib.
    2. Go to $LIFERAY_SOURCE/lib/portal and copy log4j.jar, slf4j-api.jar and slf4j-log4j12.jar into $RESIN_HOME/lib.
    3. If folder $RESIN_HOME/extlib doesn’t exist, create it.
    4. Make sure the JDBC driver for your database is accessible by Resin. Obtain the JDBC driver for the database you want to use. In the case of MySQL, use mysql-connector-java-{$version}-bin.jar. You can download the latest MySQL JDBC driver from Extract the JAR file and copy it to $RESIN_HOME/extlib.

Great! now you have your .jar files in place. Next, let’s configure Resin for Liferay.

Configuring Resin

The primary file used in configuring your domain is $RESIN_HOME/conf/resin.xml. You need to make common modifications necessary to support Liferay Portal. You’ll also create a run script and add a folder to hold Resin’s logs. But let’s start with the changes to resin.xml.

  1. Make the following modifications to your resin.xml. These modifications to your application cluster make the following configuration changes:

    • Set the file encoding
    • Set the preferred protocol stack
    • Set the user time-zon
    • Increase the default amount of memory available.

    To accomplish this, insert the following <jvm-arg> elements as server defaults for your main application cluster. Please see the following example:

    <cluster id="app-tier">
  2. Create an appropriate script in $RESIN_HOME/bin to help you start Resin.

    If you’re on Windows, create a batch script $RESIN_HOME/bin/run.bat and insert the following text in the script:

    ..\resin.exe console

    If you’re on Unix/Linux, create shell script $RESIN_HOME/bin/ and insert the following text in the script:

    ./ $
  3. Create the folder $RESIN_HOME/log if it doesn’t already exist. As you run Resin, the server generates log files access, jvm-default and watchdog-manager in this folder.

Now that you’ve completed some important common configuration tasks to support Liferay, let’s consider database configuration.

Database Configuration

If you want to manage your data source within Resin, continue following the instructions in this section. If you want to use the built-in Liferay data source, you can skip this section.

Management of databases in Resin is done via the configuration file $RESIN_HOME/conf/resin.xml. Edit resin.xml and insert a <database> element for your database. Be sure to give it the JNDI name jdbc/LiferayPool and add it within the application tier cluster element as in the example below:

<cluster id="app-tier">
		<driver type="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver">

Be sure to replace the URL database value (i.e. lportal), user value and password value with values specific to your database.

Resin is now managing your database connection. Let’s consider next how to configure mail.

Mail Configuration

If you want to manage your mail session within Resin, use the following instructions. If you want to use the built-in Liferay mail session, you can skip this section.

Management of mail sessions in Resin is done via the configuration file $RESIN_HOME/conf/resin.xml. Edit resin.xml and insert a <mail> element that specifies your mail session. Be sure to give it the JNDI name mail/MailSession. Add your mail element within the application tier cluster element. Use the example below, replacing its values with the values of your mail session.

<cluster id="app-tier">
	<mail jndi-name="mail/MailSession">

You can specify additional properties for your mail session as needed.

Now that your mail session is squared away, we’ll make sure Liferay can access it.

Configuring Data Source and Mail Session

Let’s make sure Liferay’s connected to your data source and mail session.

  1. First, navigate to the Liferay Home folder, which is one folder above Resin’s install location (i.e. $RESIN_HOME/..).

  2. If you’re using Resin to manage your data source, add the following to your file in your Liferay Home to refer to your data source:

    If you’re using Liferay Portal to manage your data source, follow the instructions in the Deploy Liferay section for using the setup wizard.

  3. If want to use Liferay Portal to manage your mail session, configure the mail session within Liferay Portal. That is, after starting your portal as described in the Deploy Liferay section, go to Control Panel → Server Administration → Mail and enter the settings for your mail session.

    If you’re using Resin to manage your mail session, add the following to your file to reference that mail session:

Great! Now Liferay can access your database and your mail session. Now, let’s deploy Liferay.

Deploy Liferay

Liferay can be deployed as an exploded web archive within $RESIN_HOME/webapps.

  1. If you already have an application folder $RESIN_HOME/webapps/ROOT, delete it or move it to a location outside of $RESIN_HOME/webapps.

  2. Extract the contents of the Liferay portal .war file into RESIN_HOME/webapps/ROOT. The following files should now exist in your RESIN_HOME/webapps/ROOT folder:

    • dtd (folder)
    • errors (folder)
    • html (folder)
    • layouttpl (folder)
    • META-INF (folder)
    • wap (folder)
    • WEB-INF (folder)
    • index.jsp
  3. Before you start Liferay Portal, let’s consider whether you want to also start the setup wizard.

    Start the setup wizard along with Liferay Portal - Do this if you want to configure your portal, setup your site’s administrative account and/or manage your database within Liferay.

    If this is your first time starting Liferay Portal 6.1, the setup wizard is invoked on server startup. If you want to re-run the wizard, specify setup.wizard.enabled=true in your properties file (e.g.


    The setup wizard is invoked during server startup.

    Start Liferay Portal without invoking the setup wizard - Do this if want to preserve your current portal settings.

    To start the server without triggering the setup wizard, specify setup.wizard.enabled=false in your properties (e.g. or file).


    The file the setup wizard creates has setup.wizard.enabled=false conveniently specified for you.

    Now its time to launch Liferay Portal on Resin!

  4. Start Liferay Portal by executing your run.bat (Windows) or (Unix/Linux) script from $RESIN_HOME/bin.

    • If the setup wizard was disabled, your site’s home page opens in your browser at http://localhost:8080.
    • Otherwise, the setup wizard opens in your browser.

    Please see the section above describing how to use the setup wizard.

Congratulations! You’ve installed Liferay Portal on Resin and have it up and running.

« Installing Liferay on JBoss 7Installing Liferay on Tomcat 7 »
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