Introduction to What is Liferay?

Let’s attempt some mind reading: you’re reading this because you need to build a website. You’re thinking about using Liferay Digital Experience Platform for your site, or you’ve already decided to use it and you want to learn all about it. Either way, you’ve come to the right place. What you’ll find here is that Liferay DXP is the right decision, and we’ll be happy to tell you all the reasons why. But since you might be in a rush, we’ll give you all the reasons in a nutshell right here, and then you can read the details in the rest of the articles.

The reasons to use Liferay DXP for your website are simple: it provides a robust platform to build your site on quickly and serve it to all clients, be they desktop, mobile, or anything in between; it provides all the standard applications you need to run on your site; and it provides an easy to use development framework for new applications or customization. In addition to this, Liferay DXP is developed using an open source methodology, by people from around the world. The code base is solid and has been proved to be reliable and stable in mission critical deployments in diverse industries.

But don’t just take our word for it. Let us show you how Liferay does all this. Probably the first thing you want to do after you install Liferay DXP to manage your site is to get your content published. Let’s dive right in and see how Liferay DXP handles that task.

Building a site with Liferay Web Experience »
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