Creating Basic Web Content
Step 3 of 3
Before you publish content, it’s useful to know the content hierarchy in Liferay DXP. You can loosely think of this as the scaffolding that Liferay DXP uses to display content.
A Site (like The Lunar Resort) contains pages and content.
Pages contain applications.
You can publish a site’s content in an application on a page in the site. For example, the Web Content Display and Asset Publisher applications can display a site’s content once they’re added to a page.
If you followed the previous steps, you have a site that contains content and a page. Now you’ll publish that content on that page.
Return to The Lunar Resort’s Welcome page. If you’re still on the Web Content page after creating the web content in the previous step, click The Lunar Resort in the top-left corner of the screen.
Open the Add menu. Select Content if it’s not already selected.
Figure 1: The Add menu with your content.
Drag and drop Lunar Resort Welcome onto the page above the Hello World portlet.
Behind the scenes, Liferay DXP placed your content inside a Web Content Display application and added that application to the page. You could have done this manually by adding a Web Content Display application to the page and then configuring it to display the content. But it’s much easier to let Liferay DXP do it for you!
Figure 2: Your content on a page.
You probably noticed a couple of sub-optimal things about your page: your content’s title looks a bit odd, and the Hello World portlet is unnecessary now that the page has content. You’ll fix this now.
Mouse over your content to reveal the portlet bar.
Click the portlet menu icon and select Look and Feel Configuration.
Under Application Decorators select Barebone. This removes the content’s title, background, and border from the content display. Click Save.
Figure 3: Change the portlet's look and feel.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and mouse over the Hello World portlet.
Click the portlet menu icon and select Remove.
Click OK when asked if you want to remove the component.
Great work! You’ve created content, displayed it on a page, and done some basic page management. Now that you know the basics, you’ll dig deeper and create some more pages to fill with content.