Creating Pages with Layouts

Creating A Site
Step 1 of 6

Up to this point everything on the Welcome page stretches the width of the entire page. You can control this with page layouts. For example, the Welcome page has the simplest possible layout: one column. Any items in that column take up its full width. You can place anything above or below but not to the side of any existing item on the page. Liferay DXP contains other layouts that arrange items into different numbers of columns and rows. This gives you a great deal of control over how applications and content appear in your site.

You’ll next use layouts to create the Activities and About Us pages for the Lunar Resort.

Figure 1: The final Activities page.

Figure 1: The final Activities page.

Figure 2: The final About Us page.

Figure 2: The final About Us page.

Creating the Activities Page

As you may be able to tell from the above screenshot, the Activities page uses a two column layout with a small column on the left and a large column on the right. Follow these steps to create this page:

  1. Open the main menu and expand the Navigation menu for The Lunar Resort.

  2. In the Navigation menu, click the Options button (Options) for Public Pages and select Add Public Page.

    You are now on the page creation form. You can set the page name, choose a template or layout, and set several other options.

  3. Enter Activities for the Name.

  4. For the layout, select 2 Columns (30/70). This sets the page to the two column layout. The smaller left column takes up 30% of the page, and the larger right column takes up 70% of the page.

    Figure 3: Activities page creation.

    Figure 3: Activities page creation.

  5. Leave the other options on their default settings and click Add Page.

The Lunar Resort site now contains the Activities page. This page appears in the navigation, and you can add applications and content to it just as you would any other page.

Creating the About Us Page

Now you’ll create the About Us page. Note in the above screenshot that this page has three columns. Follow these steps to create this page:

  1. In the main menu, expand the Navigation menu for The Lunar Resort.

  2. In the Navigation menu, click the Options button (Options) for Public Pages and select Add Public Page.

  3. Enter About Us for the Name.

  4. For the layout, select 3 Columns.

  5. Leave the other options on their default settings and click Add Page.

The navigation bar now contains the two new pages that you just created. Next, you’ll create a couple more pages and then arrange their order in the navigation bar.

Figure 4: The navigation bar lists your sites pages.

Figure 4: The navigation bar lists your site's pages.

« Creating a SiteBuilding the Lunar Guides and Book a Trip Pages »
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