Adding Image Resolutions

To use Adaptive Media, you must first define the resolutions for the images delivered to users’ devices. Adaptive Media then generates new images scaled to fit those resolutions, while maintaining the original aspect ratio.

To access Adaptive Media settings, open the Control Panel and go to ConfigurationAdaptive Media. Here you can create and manage resolutions.

Once you create a resolution, Adaptive Media automatically generates copies of newly uploaded images in that resolution. Images uploaded before you create the resolution aren’t affected and must be adapted separately (see the Generating Missing Image Resolutions section for details).

Adding a New Image Resolution

The number of image resolutions required and the values for each depend on the use case. More resolutions may optimize image delivery, but generating more images requires additional computational resources and storage space. To start, we recommend that you create resolutions to cover common device sizes like mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops. If most users use one device (e.g., all Intranet users have the same company mobile phone), you can create a resolution to target that device.

To add a new resolution, click the Add icon (Add new resolution) on the Adaptive Media configuration page and provide the following information:

  • Name: The resolution’s name (this must be unique). This can be updated if a custom Identifier is defined.

  • Max Width: The generated image’s maximum width. If a Max Height is given, this field is optional. This value must be at least 1.

  • Maximum Height: The generated image’s maximum height. If a Max Width is given, this field is optional. This value must be at least 1.

    Adaptive Media generates images that fit the Max Width and Max Height, while retaining the original aspect ratio. If you only provide one value (either Max Width or Max Height), the generated image scales proportionally to fit within the specified dimension, while maintaining its original aspect ratio. This ensures that adapted images are not distorted.

  • Add a resolution for high density displays (2x): Defines a scaled up resolution for HIDPI displays. Selecting this option creates a new resolution double the size of the original with the same name and the suffix -2x. For example, if the original resolution is 400px by 300px (max width by max height), the high density resolution is 800px by 600px.

  • Identifier: The resolution’s ID. By default, this is automatically generated from the name. You can specify a custom identifier by selecting the Custom option and entering a new ID. Third party applications can use this ID to obtain images for the resolution via Adaptive Media’s APIs.

Figure 1: The form for adding a new Adaptive Media resolution.

Figure 1: The form for adding a new Adaptive Media resolution.

« Installing Adaptive MediaManaging Image Resolutions »
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