Liferay is very flexible when it comes to supporting different development tooling. Instead of being pigeonholed into using a specific tool, Liferay works with whatever tools you like to use. This set of tutorials describes some of the more popular tools that are used to develop for Liferay. If you’re a newbie looking for the best development tool for Liferay, or even a seasoned veteran looking for a tool you may like more than your current setup, this section will answer your tooling questions.
- Introduction to Tooling
- Liferay Developer Studio
- Installing Liferay Developer Studio
- Creating a Liferay Workspace with Liferay Developer Studio
- Setting Proxy Requirements for Liferay Developer Studio
- Updating Liferay Developer Studio
- Creating Modules with Liferay Developer Studio
- Creating Themes with Liferay Developer Studio
- Deploying Modules with Liferay Developer Studio
- Managing Module Projects with Liferay Developer Studio