Introduction to From Liferay Portal 6 to 7

Becoming familiar with a platform as large and fully featured as Liferay is a big task. You learn the ins and outs of what it can do, the tips and best practices of the experts, and you work your way through the APIs. As you do this, you become familiar with how things work, proficient with the platform, and start to think in terms of how you’d solve problems most effectively using the platform’s tools.

Liferay DXP 7.1 was designed as an enhancement that builds off of what you already know. Its Upgrade Planner and this Learning Path help get your existing plugins running on Liferay DXP 7.1 right away. The tool automates much of the process. After you upgrade your plugins, you can build and deploy them as you always have.

Liferay DXP 7.1 has exciting improvements for developers too. Since you already know previous versions of Liferay Portal, you’re several steps ahead of everybody else.

Here you’ll learn about the benefits of Liferay DXP 7.1 for developers compared to previous versions, the architectural improvements, the benefits that modularity brings, how to develop modules, and how they differ from traditional plugins. You’ll see all the options for leveraging new developer features, learn the pros and cons of each, and examine steps for optimizing your existing plugins for Liferay DXP 7.1.

You’ll start by seeing the familiar, good things that remain the same and then examine what’s changed the most since Liferay Portal 6.

« Introduction to Front-End DevelopmentWhat Hasn't Changed and What Has »
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