Making URLs Friendlier

This is a story of two URLs who couldn’t be more different. One was full of himself and always wanted to show everyone (users and SEO services alike) just how smart he was by openly displaying all the parameters he carried. He was happiest when he could tell people he met were intimidated and confused by him.


The other was just, well, friendly. She was less concerned about looking smart and more concerned about those she interacted with, so she shared only the important things about her. She didn’t need to look fancy and complicated. She aspired to be simple and kind to all the users and SEO services she encountered.


If you want your application to be friendly to your users and to SEO services, make your URLs friendlier. It only takes a couple steps, after all.

Creating Friendly URL Routes

  1. First create a routes.xml file in your application’s web module. Liferay’s pattern puts it in a src/main/resources/META-INF/friendly-url-routes/ folder.

  2. Add friendly URL routes, using as many <route> tags as you need friendly URLs, like this:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE routes PUBLIC "-//Liferay//DTD Friendly URL Routes 7.1.0//EN" "">
            <implicit-parameter name="mvcRenderCommandName">/blogs/view</implicit-parameter>
            <implicit-parameter name="p_p_lifecycle">0</implicit-parameter>
            <implicit-parameter name="p_p_state">normal</implicit-parameter>
            <implicit-parameter name="mvcRenderCommandName">/blogs/view</implicit-parameter>
            <implicit-parameter name="p_p_lifecycle">0</implicit-parameter>
            <implicit-parameter name="p_p_state">maximized</implicit-parameter>
            <implicit-parameter name="categoryId"></implicit-parameter>
            <implicit-parameter name="mvcRenderCommandName">/blogs/view_entry</implicit-parameter>
            <implicit-parameter name="p_p_lifecycle">0</implicit-parameter>
            <implicit-parameter name="p_p_state">normal</implicit-parameter>
            <implicit-parameter name="tag"></implicit-parameter>

Use <pattern> tags to define placeholder values for the parameters that normally appear in the generated URL. This is just a mask. The beastly URL still lurks beneath it.

The pattern value /{entryId:\d+} matches a / followed by an entryId variable that matches the Java regular expression \d+—one or more numeric digits. For example, a URL /entryId, where the entryId value is 123 results in a URL value /123, which matches the pattern.

Important: If your portlet is instanceable, you must use a variant of the instanceId in the pattern value. If the starting value is render-it, for example, use one of these patterns:






Use <implicit-parameter> tags to define parameters that are always the same for the URL. For example, for a render URL, you can be certain that the p_p_lifecycle parameter is always 0. You don’t have to define these types of implicit parameters, but it’s a best practice because if you don’t, they still appear in your URL.

The implicit parameters with the name mvcRenderCommandName are very important. If you’re using an MVCPortlet with MVCRenderCommand classes, that parameter comes from the property in the @Component of your MVCRenderCommand implementation. This determines the page that’s rendered (for example, view.jsp).

    immediate = true,
    property = {
        "" + BlogsPortletKeys.BLOGS, "",
    service = MVCRenderCommand.class

The DTD file completely defines the routes.xml file.

Implementing a Friendly URL Mapper

Once you have your URLs mapped in a routes.xml file, you must provide an implementation of the FriendlyURLMapper service. Create a component that specifies a FriendlyURLMapper service, with two properties:

  1. A com.liferay.portlet.friendly-url-routes property sets the path to your routes.xml file.

  2. A property, which you probably have already, specifies your portlet’s name.

        property = {
            "" + BlogsPortletKeys.BLOGS
        service = FriendlyURLMapper.class

After that, implement the FriendlyURLMapper service. For your convenience, the DefaultFriendlyURLMapper class provides a default implementation. If you extend DefaultFriendlyURLMapper you must only override one method, getMapping(). Return a String that defines the first part of your Friendly URLs. It’s smart to name it after your application. Here’s what it looks like for Liferay’s Blogs application:

public class BlogsFriendlyURLMapper extends DefaultFriendlyURLMapper {

    public String getMapping() {
        return _MAPPING;

    private static final String _MAPPING = "blogs";


All friendly URLs in Blogs begin with the String set here (blogs).

Friendly URLs in Action

Let’s look at one of these Friendly URLs in action. Add a blog entry and then click on the entry’s title. Look at the URL:


As specified in the friendly URL mapper class, blogs is the first part of the friendly URL that comes after the Liferay part of the URL. The next part is determined by a specific URL route in routes.xml:

    <implicit-parameter name="categoryId"></implicit-parameter>
    <implicit-parameter name="mvcRenderCommandName">/blogs/view_entry</implicit-parameter>
    <implicit-parameter name="p_p_lifecycle">0</implicit-parameter>
    <implicit-parameter name="p_p_state">normal</implicit-parameter>
    <implicit-parameter name="tag"></implicit-parameter>

The urlTitle is generated from the blog post’s title. Since it’s already a parameter in the URL (see below), it’s available for use in the friendly URL.

<portlet:renderURL var="viewEntryURL">
    <portlet:param name="mvcRenderCommandName" value="/blogs/view_entry" />
    <portlet:param name="urlTitle" value="<%= entry.getUrlTitle() %>" />

When the render URL is invoked, the String defined in the friendly URL mapper teams up with the pattern tag in your friendly URL routes file, and you get a very friendly URL indeed, instead of some nasty, conceited, unfriendly URL that’s despised by users and SEO services alike.

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