Creating the OSGi Module and Configuring the EditorConfigContributor Class

To add a button to the AlloyEditor’s toolbars, you must first create an OSGi component class of service type EditorConfigContributor.class. Follow these steps to create and configure the OSGi module:

  1. Create an OSGi module, using Blade’s portlet template:

    blade create -t portlet -p -c 
    MyEditorConfigContributor my-new-button
  2. Open the portlet’s build.gradle file and update the com.liferay.portal.kernel version to 3.6.2. This is the version bundled with the Liferay DXP release.

  3. Open the portlet class you created in step one (MyEditorConfigContributor) and add the following imports:

    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.editor.configuration.BaseEditorConfigContributor;
    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.editor.configuration.EditorConfigContributor;
    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.json.JSONArray;
    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.json.JSONFactoryUtil;
    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.json.JSONObject;
    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.portlet.RequestBackedPortletURLFactory;
    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.theme.ThemeDisplay;
  4. Replace the @Component and properties with the properties below:

        immediate = true,
        property = {
        service = EditorConfigContributor.class  

    This targets AlloyEditor for the configuration and overrides the default service by providing a higher service ranking. If you want to target a more specific configuration, you can find the available properties in the EditorConfigContributor interface’s Javadoc.

  5. Extend BaseEditorConfigContributor instead of GenericPortlet.

  6. Replace the doView() method and contents with the populateConfigJSONObject() method shown below:

    public void populateConfigJSONObject(
    		JSONObject jsonObject, Map<String, Object> inputEditorTaglibAttributes,
    		ThemeDisplay themeDisplay,
    		RequestBackedPortletURLFactory requestBackedPortletURLFactory) {
  7. Inside the populateConfigJSONObject() method, retrieve the AlloyEditor’s toolbars:

    JSONObject toolbarsJSONObject = jsonObject.getJSONObject("toolbars");
    if (toolbarsJSONObject == null) {
            toolbarsJSONObject = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONObject();
  8. If you’re adding a button for one of the CKEditor plugins bundled with the AlloyEditor, add the code below to retrieve the extra plugins and add the plugin to the AlloyEditor’s configuration. The example below adds the clipboard CKEditor plugin:

    String extraPlugins = jsonObject.getString("extraPlugins");
    if (Validator.isNotNull(extraPlugins)) {
      extraPlugins = extraPlugins + ",ae_uibridge,ae_autolink,
    else {
      extraPlugins = "ae_uibridge,ae_autolink,ae_buttonbridge,ae_menubridge,
    jsonObject.put("extraPlugins", extraPlugins);

    AlloyEditor also comes with several plugins to bridge the gap between the CKEditor’s UI and the AlloyEditor’s UI. These are prefixed with the ae_ you see above. We recommend that you include them all to ensure compatibility.

The *EditorConfigContributor class is prepared. Now you must choose which toolbar you want to add the button(s) to: the Add Toolbar or one of the Styles Toolbars.

Adding New Behavior to an Editor

CKEditor Plugin Reference Guide

« Adding Buttons to AlloyEditor's ToolbarsAdding a Button to the Add Toolbar »
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