A Styles Toolbar appears when content is selected or highlighted in AlloyEditor. There are five Styles toolbars to choose from:
: Appears when embedded content is selected.
Figure 1: The embed URL Styles toolbar lets you format embedded content in the editor.
: Appears when an image is selected.
Figure 2: The image Styles toolbar lets you format images in the editor.
: Appears when a hyperlink is selected.
Figure 3: The link Styles toolbar lets you format hyperlinks in the editor.
: Appears when a table is selected.
Figure 4: The table Styles toolbar lets you format tables in the editor.
: Appears when text is highlighted.
Figure 5: The text Styles toolbar lets you format highlighted text in the editor.
Follow these steps to add a button to one of the Styles toolbars:
Inside the
method, retrieve the Styles toolbar:JSONObject stylesToolbar = toolbarsJSONObject.getJSONObject("styles"); if (stylesToolbar == null) { stylesToolbar = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(); }
Retrieve the available selection toolbars:
JSONArray selectionsJSONArray = stylesToolbar.getJSONArray( "selections");
Iterate through the selection toolbars, select the one you want to add the button(s) to (
, ortext
), retrieve the existing buttons, and add your button. The example below adds theclipboard
, andPaste
buttons to thetext
selection toolbar. Note that buttons are case sensitive and may be aliased or not match the name of the plugin. Search the plugin’splugin.js
file foreditor.ui.addButton
to find the button’s name:for (int i = 0; i < selectionsJSONArray.length(); i++) { JSONObject selection = selectionsJSONArray.getJSONObject(i); if (Objects.equals(selection.get("name"), "text")) { JSONArray buttons = selection.getJSONArray("buttons"); buttons.put("Copy"); buttons.put("Cut"); buttons.put("Paste"); } }
The example above adds one of the CKEditor plugins bundled with Liferay DXP’s AlloyEditor. There are also several buttons available by default with the AlloyEditor, but they are not all enabled. The full list of existing buttons you can add to the Styles toolbars is shown in the table below, ordered by Toolbar:
text table image link bold tableHeading imageCenter linkEdit code tableRow imageLeft h1 tableColumn imageRight h2 tableCell indentBlock tableRemove italic link ol outdentBlock paragraphLeft paragraphRight paragraphCenter paragraphJustify quote removeFormat strike styles subscript superscript twitter ul underline See here for an explanation of each button’s features.
Update the AlloyEditor’s configuration with the changes you made:
stylesToolbar.put("selections", selectionsJSONArray); toolbarsJSONObject.put("styles", stylesToolbar); jsonObject.put("toolbars", toolbarsJSONObject);
Deploy your module and create a new piece of content that uses the AlloyEditor—such as a blog entry or web content article—to see your new configuration in action!
The com.liferay.docs.my.button
module’s updated text styles toolbar is shown
in the figure below:
Figure 6: The Updated text styles toolbar lets you copy, cut, and paste text in the editor.