Creating Folders

You’ll need folders to organize all but the most limited set of files. Here, you’ll learn how to work with folders in a Document Library:

Adding a Folder

Follow these steps to add a folder:

  1. Open the Menu (Product Menu), click on your site’s name, and navigate to Content → Documents and Media for your site. The Documents and Media screen appears and displays the Documents and Media library’s Home (its root folder).

  2. Click the Add icon (Add) and select Folder. The New Folder form appears.

  3. In the New Folder form, name and describe your folder. Then expand the Permissions section.

  4. In the Permissions section, set the folder’s permissions. The Viewable by menu lets you select who has View permission for the folder:

    • Anyone (the Guest role; this is the default option)
    • Site Members
    • Owner

    Click the More Options link to choose the other folder permissions for the Guest and Site Member roles. By default, site members can add files, subfolders, shortcuts, and subscribe to changes to the folder’s files. Guests don’t have any such permissions, which is typically what you want.

    Figure 1: Select your folders permissions.

    Figure 1: Select your folder's permissions.

  5. To finish creating the folder, click Save after making your selections in the Permissions section.

Upon creating the folder, it appears in your Document Library. Opening the folder’s Actions menu (Actions) presents several options for managing the folder. The following sections describe some of these options.

Figure 2: Your new folder appears in the Document Library.

Figure 2: Your new folder appears in the Document Library.

Document Type Restrictions and Workflow

After creating a folder, you can restrict what document types are allowed in it. You can also choose what workflow (if any) to use for approving files added to or edited in the folder.

Follow these steps to change a folder’s document type restrictions and workflow:

  1. Click the folder’s Actions menu (Actions) and select Edit.

  2. Expand the Document Type Restrictions and Workflow section. In this section, choose from the following options:

    • Use Document Type Restrictions and Workflow of the Parent Folder (the parent folder)
    • Define Specific Document Type Restrictions and Workflow for this Folder (the current folder)
    • Default Workflow for this Folder (the current folder)
  3. Click Save when you’re finished.

Figure 3: You can set the document type restrictions and workflow to use for a folders files.

Figure 3: You can set the document type restrictions and workflow to use for a folder's files.

Setting Folder Permissions

When creating a folder, you can set some of its permissions via the new folder form. Fine tuning a folder’s permissions, however, can only be done after creating the folder.

Follow these steps to fine tune a folder’s permissions:

  1. Click the folder’s Actions menu (Actions) and select Permissions. The Permissions window appears.

  2. In the Permissions window, set the permissions you want to use for this folder. The permissions listed below are available for each role.

  3. Click Save when you’re finished setting permissions.

Access: Access the folder’s contents.

Update: Edit the folder’s attributes and/or move the folder under a new parent folder.

Add Subfolder: Create folders within the folder.

Add Shortcut: Create a shortcut (link) to any file in the folder that the role is authorized to view.

Subscribe: Receive email notifications when files are added to or modified in the folder. Note that you can specify the email sender and template from the Documents and Media’s Options (Options) → Configuration menu.

Add Document: Add a new file to the folder.

Permissions: View and modify the folder’s permissions.

Delete: Move the folder to the Recycle Bin.

View: View the folder.

« Adding Files to a Document LibraryUsing the Documents and Media Management Bar »
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