Patching Tool Basic configuration

There are two ways to configure the Patching Tool:

  1. Automatically by executing the auto-discovery command

  2. Manually by editing the configuration file (see the Advanced Configuration section)

Automatic configuration generates the configuration files by looking for Liferay DXP files in the file system. By default the Patching Tool looks for the Liferay DXP files in the parent folder. To start the process run

patching-tool auto-discovery

If Liferay DXP is not installed in the parent folder, you can specify its location:

patching-tool auto-discovery /opt/Liferay/tomcat-8.0.32

That’s it! Now that you’ve installed the Patching Tool and run auto-discovery, you’re ready to download and install patches. You can install patches manually or automatically.

If you specified the wrong folder or Liferay DXP is not installed in the parent folder, the Patching Tool won’t be able to find the Liferay Home folder and shows an error:

The .liferay-home has not been detected in the given directory tree.

liferay.home=**[please enter manually]**

The configuration hasn't been saved. Please save this to the file.

In this case you can either add the folder manually to the configuration or create the .liferay-home file and re-run the auto-discovery process.

When the patching tool is configured, you can run patching-tool info and receive information about the product version.

« Configuring the Patching ToolPatching Tool Advanced Configuration »
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