Creating an Admin Portlet

To create the Guestbook Admin portlet, you’ll use the New Liferay Portlet wizard. You used this wizard in an earlier learning path when you created the Guestbook portlet. The New Liferay Portlet wizard creates various required configuration files such as portlet.xml, liferay-portlet.xml, and liferay-display.xml and adds appropriate entries to them. The information that you specify in the wizard is added to various elements and attributes in these configuration files. It also determines the names and locations of other required files such as the portlet class and the location of the portlet’s JSP files.

Using the New Liferay Portlet Wizard

To create the Guestbook Admin portlet, follow these steps:

  1. In Eclipse, right-click on your guestbook-portlet project and select NewLiferay Portlet.
  2. For the Portlet class, enter GuestbookAdminPortlet.
  3. For the Java package, select
  4. For the Superclass, select com.liferay.util.bridges.mvc.MVCPortlet, then click Next.
  5. Under Portlet Info, enter guestbook-admin for the Name and Guestbook Admin for the Display name and Title.
  6. Under Resources, make sure that Create JSP files is checked and enter /html/guestbookadmin for the JSP folder. Click Next.
  7. Under Liferay Display, select category.hidden.
  8. Check the Add to Control Panel button.
  9. For the Entry Category, select Site Administration - Content.
  10. For the Entry Weight, leave the default of 1.5. Click Finish.

What did the New Liferay Portlet wizard do behind the scenes? To start reviewing the changes, first check your project’s portlet.xml file. The wizard added a new <portlet> element for the Guestbook Admin portlet. Notice that the portlet name, display name, portlet title, and portlet class that you specified in the wizard are used in the <portlet-name>, <display-name>, <portlet-info> and <portlet-class> sub-elements of the <portlet> element of the Guestbook Admin portlet:

	<display-name>Guestbook Admin</display-name>
		<title>Guestbook Admin</title>
		<short-title>Guestbook Admin</short-title>

Note the value of the <portlet-name> element: guestbook-admin.

Next, check your project’s liferay-portlet.xml file. While the portlet.xml file defines portlet attributes specified by the JSR-286 portlet specification, the liferay-portlet.xml file defines Liferay-specific portlet attributes. The wizard added a new <portlet> element in liferay-portlet.xml for the Guestbook Admin portlet, just like it did in portlet.xml:


The <portlet-name> subelement of the <portlet> element in liferay-portlet.xml specifies guestbook-admin, exactly matching the <portlet-name> value in portlet.xml.

The <control-panel-entry-category> element determines the section of the Control Panel to which the Guestbook Admin portlet is added. Remember that Liferay’s Control Panel is divided into two main sections: the Site Administration area (accessible via AdminSite Administration from the Dockbar) and the Control Panel proper (accessible via AdminControl Panel from the Dockbar). Notice that the value of the <control-panel-entry-category> is site_administration.content, which means that you have to navigate to AdminContent from the Dockbar to view your portlet, as you specified in the wizard. The <control-panel-entry-weight> value determines where the Guestbook portlet appears in the list of portlets in the Site Administration area’s Content section in the Control Panel. You can use decimals to make your portlet appear after one portlet in the list but before another portlet in the list.

The New Liferay Portlet wizard also added the following entry to liferay-display.xml:

<category name="category.hidden">
    <portlet id="guestbook-admin"></portlet>

The category specified here determines where (or if) your portlet appears in the list of portlets that are available to be added to a portal page. When you click on the Add button at the left side of the Dockbar (the plus symbol) and select Applications, you’ll see various expandable categories of portlets that you can add to a page. For example, the Highlighted category contains commonly used portlets such as Web Content Display, Asset Publisher, and Navigation. By specifying category.hidden as the category of the Guestbook Admin portlet, you ensure that it can’t be added to a portal page via the Dockbar. This is fine since we’ve already added it to the Content section of the Site Administration area of the Control Panel. If you didn’t set the Guestbook Admin portlet’s category to category.hidden in liferay-display.xml, a site administrator could add the portlet a portal page. If you want a portlet to be accessible via the Control Panel and only via the Control Panel, remember to specify its category as category.hidden in liferay-display.xml.

Notice also that the New Liferay Portlet wizard created a file for you in the package of the docroot/WEB-INF/src folder, as you specified. The GuestbookAdminPortlet class extends Liferay’s MVCPortlet class, so it works out-of-the-box. The <portlet-class> subelement of the Guestbook Admin portlet’s <portlet> element in portlet.xml points to the file’s location. The New Liferay Portlet wizard also created a docroot/html/guestbookadmin with a sample view.jsp file, as you specified. Now that you’ve created your Guestbook Admin portlet in the guestbook-portlet project, you need to add your desired functionality to it: the abilities to add, edit, and delete guestbooks and to configure their permissions. You’ll start by adding some custom services to GuestbookLocalServiceImpl, then you’ll add the necessary action methods to GuestbookAdminPortlet, and lastly you’ll create the user interface for the Guestbook Admin portlet.

« Adding a Portlet to the Control PanelUpdating Your Service Layer »
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