Setting up the Directory Structure for the Resources Importer

A blank resources-importer directory was created with your theme. Rather than add each file individually and create all the remaining folders, go ahead and delete the existing resources-importer directory.

  1. Delete the existing resources-importer folder in the docroot/WEB-INF/src directory of the Lunar Resort theme and replace it with the resources-importer folder in the themes/code/ directory of the Learning Path.

The updated Resources Importer directory uses the following structure to organize the files for the Lunar Resort:

  • lunar-resort-theme/
    • docroot/WEB-INF/src/
      • resources-importer/
        • document_library/
          • documents/
            • (documents and media files)
        • journal/
          • articles/
            • (web content articles)
          • structures/
          • templates/

The theme’s resources are organized into documents and media files and web content articles. Structures and templates are given their own folders inside the journal directory.

Web content articles can be written in either HTML or XML and placed in the journal/articles/ folder. Images included in the web content are referenced using the name of the file in the document_library/documents folder. The web content references the image using the following code:

src= "[$FILE=filename.filetype$]"

That’s all the prep work that needs to be completed for most web content. For more advanced web content that requires structures and templates, there are a few additional steps you’ll need to take.

For the carousel, the web content is added to its own folder, carousel inside the journal/articles/ folder. The structure is then added to the /structures folder. Finally, the matching template is added to the /templates folder and placed in its own carousel folder. The finished directory for the carousel matches the following structure:

  • journal/
    • articles/
      • carousel/
        • carousel.xml
      • (more web content articles)
    • structures/
      • carousel.xml
    • templates/
      • carousel/
        • carousel.vm

It’s important that you create the file structure this way so the web content is recognized.

Now you can create the sitemap.json file.

« Importing Resources for Your ThemeCreating the sitemap.json File »
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