Creating the sitemap.json File

The sitemap.json file defines the layout for the web content, pages, and portlets in your site. As the file extension suggests, sitemap.json uses JSON syntax, so if you are familiar with JSON you should be able to navigate your way through the sitemap fairly easy. If you are not familiar with JSON syntax, don’t worry, the sitemap will be explained in further detail.

Since the sitemap.json file was already created when you copied the contents of the resources-importer folder, you don’t need to do anything to implement. Here’s what it does.

The code below adds a Welcome and About Us page using the default layout template and populates the pages with web content articles:

        "layoutTemplateId": "1_column",
        "layouts": [
                        "name": "Welcome",
                        "title": "Welcome",
                        "friendlyURL": "/home",
                        "columns": [
                                        "Welcome to the Lunar Resort.html",
                                        "2 column description.html"
                        "name": "About Us",
                        "title": "About Us",
                        "friendlyURL": "/about-us",
                        "columns": [
                                        "About Us Info.html"

The sitemap starts out by defining a default layout template ID for the pages. You can find layout template IDs in the layouttpl folder in your Liferay bundle. Next, the pages, referred to as layouts in the sitemap, are organized. The page is then given a name, a title, and a friendly URL.

Next, the web content is organized under the columns section. Columns refers to the columns in the layout template. Since the Welcome page uses the default 1_column layout, the layoutTemplateId doesn’t need to be specified. Since the page uses a one column layout, the web content articles are all placed within the same set of brackets[. As with an image in a web content article, you reference the web content by the name of the file in the Resources Importer.

The layout below adds an Activities page with a Rover Racing child page and populates them with web content:

"name": "Activities",
"title": "Activities",
"friendlyURL": "/activities",
                "Activities Info.html",
                "Activities Links.html"
    "name": "Rover Racing",
    "title": "Rover Racing",
    "friendlyURL": "/rover-racing",
    "columns": [
            "Rover Racing Article.html"

As you can see, to create a child page, you use the same layouts syntax that you would use to create a parent page. The layouts configuration for the child page is placed within the parent page’s configuration.

The following code adds two portlets to the page and defines its own layout template.

    "name": "Collaboration",
    "title": "Collaboration",
    "friendlyURL": "/collaboration",
    "layoutTemplateId": "2_columns",
    "columns": [
            "portletId": "36"
            "portletId": "115"

Portlets are defined within the layout template columns like the web content articles, with just a slight variation in syntax. They are referenced by their portlet ID, which you can find in the portlet-custom.xml inside your Liferay bundle. A layoutTemplateId is set for the page because it does not use the default template ID that was defined at the top of the sitemap.

The following code creates a page hidden from the navigation menu and adds a web content article and a custom portlet to the page.

    "name": "Reservation",
    "title": "Reservation",
    "friendlyURL": "/reservation",
    "hidden": "true",
                    "Reservation Form.html",
                    "portletId": "guestbook_WAR_guestbookportlet"


Portlet plugins are defined the same way core portlets, such as the Web Content Display portlet, are defined, and their IDs are defined in their own portlet.xml files. They follow an easy to remember pattern: portletName_WAR_projectName. In order for the portlet to be assigned an ID it has to be deployed first. You took care of this in the last section of the Learning Path.

You should now have a better understanding of the sitemap.json file. There’s one last file to configure,, which you’ll work with in the next section.

« Setting up the Directory Structure for the Resources ImporterDefining »
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