Building Liferay Maven Artifacts from Source

You can download the Liferay Maven artifacts if you’re just interested in using the artifacts for a specific release. However, if you’d like to use the very latest Liferay CE Maven artifacts, you can build them from source. To build the latest Liferay CE Maven artifacts from source, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your local Liferay Portal CE source project. If you don’t already have a local Liferay Portal CE source project on your machine, you can fork the Liferay Portal CE Github repository, found at, and clone it to your machine.

  2. Create an app.server.[user name].properties file in your local Liferay Portal CE source project root directory. Specify the following properties in it:

    app.server.type=[your application server's type. Lookup your app server's type in the file in the same directory.]
    app.server.parent.dir=[your application server's parent directory]
    app.server.[type].dir=[your application server's directory]

    For example, if you’re using Liferay with Apache Tomcat 7.0.42 bundled in your c:/bundles folder, you’d specify the following properties:


    Of course, you should specify the values appropriate to your application server and your bundle/parent directory. Note that your app.server.[type].dir directory doesn’t need to exist yet; it is created by invoking an Ant target in the next step.

  3. Run ant -f build-dist.xml unzip-[app server name] to unzip a copy of your preferred application server to the specified directory.

    For example, to unzip Apache Tomcat to the directory specified by your app.server.tomcat.dir property, run:

    ant -f build-dist.xml unzip-tomcat
  4. Create a releases.[user name].properties in your local Liferay Portal CE source project root directory and specify your GPG credentials and Maven repository information, similar to the properties in the following example listing:

    gpg.keyname=[GPG key name]
    gpg.passphrase=[GPG passphrase]

    Of course, replace the values specified above with your own GPG credentials and Maven repository information.

    If you don’t have GPG installed and don’t have a public/private GPG key, you should visit and install GPG before continuing. Once you’ve installed GPG, generate a GPG key by running gpg --gen-key and following the instructions. Once you’ve generated a GPG key, you can find your GPG keyname by running gpg --list-keys.

  5. Open a command prompt, navigate to your Liferay home directory, and build the Liferay Portal WAR file by running

    ant -f build-dist.xml all zip-portal-war
  6. Deploy the Liferay artifacts to your Maven repository by running

    ant -f build-maven.xml deploy-release-artifacts


    ant -f build-maven.xml deploy-snapshot-artifacts

    If you want the Liferay artifacts to be installed locally but don’t have a remote Maven repository or don’t want the artifacts to be remotely deployed, you can run the installation target instead of the deploy target: ant -f build-maven.xml install-release-artifacts or ant -f build-maven.xml install-snapshot-artifacts. The target installs the Liferay artifacts you built to your local .m2 repository (e.g., to your [USER_HOME]/.m2/ directory).

Great! You now know how to build Liferay CE artifacts from your local portal source code.

Here are some related topics:

Installing and Managing Liferay Maven Artifacts

Using Maven from Liferay IDE

« Setting Up Liferay Maven Facets in Existing Liferay Maven Plugin ProjectsIntroduction to Deploying Plugins »
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