Invoking Remote Services

You can invoke the remote services of any installed Liferay application the same way that you invoke your local services. Doing so could be described as “invoking remote services locally.” One reason to invoke a remote service instead of the corresponding local service might be to take advantage of the remote service’s permission checks. Consider the following common scenario:

  • Both a local service implementation and a remote service implementation have been created for a particular service.
  • The remote service performs a permission check and then invokes the corresponding local service.

In the above scenario, it’s a best practice to invoke the remote service instead of the local service. Doing so ensures that you don’t need to duplicate permission checking code. This is the practice followed by the Event Listing project.

Of course, the main reason for creating remote services is to be able to invoke them remotely. Service Builder can expose your project’s remote web services both via a JSON API and via SOAP. By default, running Service Builder with remote-service set to true for your entities generates a JSON web services API for your project. You can access your project’s JSON-based RESTful services via a convenient web interface. If you’ve deployed the Event Listing project, visit the following URL to view its JSON web services:


Each entity’s available operations are listed on the plugin’s JSON web services API page. You can invoke JSON web services directly from your browser. For example, to view details about your Event entity’s delete-event service, visit the above URL and click on the delete-event link.

Figure 1: Youll see a page displaying the name of the service method, its required parameters, its return type, possible exceptions it can throw, and a form for entering its parameters.

Figure 1: You'll see a page displaying the name of the service method, its required parameters, its return type, possible exceptions it can throw, and a form for entering its parameters.

The only parameter required for the delete-event operation is an event ID. To test the delete-event remote web service, you could use the Event Listing portlet to add a new event. Then you could check the Event_Event table in Liferay’s database to find your event’s event ID. To invoke the web service, you could enter the event ID value into the eventId field in the Execute section of the delete-event JSONWS page and click Invoke. Invoking the delete-event service deletes the event that corresponds to the entered event ID. Liferay returns feedback from each invocation that indicates, for example, whether the service invocation succeeded or failed.

Finding a portlet’s web services is easy with Liferay’s JSON web service interface. Invoking a portlet’s web services via Liferay’s JSON web service interface is a great way to test them. You can also examine alternate equivalent methods of calling the SOAP and JSON web services via JavaScript, Curl, and URLs.

Service Builder can also make your project’s web services available via SOAP using Apache Axis. After you’ve built your portlet project’s WSDDs (web service deployment descriptors) and deployed the project as a plugin, its services are available on your Liferay server. It’s easy to list your plugin’s SOAP web services. You have two options: you can access them in Liferay IDE or you can point your browser to your application’s SOAP web services URL.

To access your SOAP web services in Liferay IDE, right-select your portlet from under it’s Liferay server in the Servers view. Then select Test Liferay Web Services….

If you’d rather view your SOAP web services from a browser, go to the following URL:


Liferay Portal lists the services available for all your entities and provides links to their WSDL documents. For example, clicking on the WSDL link for the Event service takes you to the following URL:


This WSDL document lists the Event entity’s SOAP web services. Once the web service’s WSDL is available, any SOAP web service client can access it.

Related Topics

Invoking Local Services

Invoking Liferay Services in your Android App

Invoking Liferay Services in your iOS App

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