Invoking JSON Web Services

Liferay’s JSON web service API can be invoked in languages other than Java, such as Beanshell, Groovy, JavaScript, Python, and Ruby. It can also be invoked via URL or cURL. Additionally, Liferay provides a handy JSON web services page that allows you to browse and invoke service methods.

If you’re running Liferay locally on port 8080, you can find the JSON web services page at localhost:8080/api/jsonws. You can use this page to generate example code for invoking web services. Use the Context Path selector to switch contexts and you’ll see different available service methods. The portal’s context path is /, the Calendar portlet’s context path is /calendar-portlet, the Marketplace portlet’s context path is /marketplace-portlet, etc. To see the generated code for a particular service, click on the name of the service, enter the required parameters and click Invoke. The JSON result of your service invocation appears. There are multiple ways to invoke Liferay’s JSON web services: click on JavaScript Example, curl Example, or URL example to see different ways of invoking the web service.

Figure 1: When you invoke a service from Liferays JSON web services page, you can view the result of your service invocation as well as example code for invoking the service via JavaScript, curl, or URL.

Figure 1: When you invoke a service from Liferay's JSON web services page, you can view the result of your service invocation as well as example code for invoking the service via JavaScript, curl, or URL.

This tutorial explains general techniques for working with JSON web services and includes details about invoking via URL. For examples of invoking Liferay’s JSON web services via JavaScript, URL, and cURL, please see the JSON Web Services Invocation Examples tutorial.

How you invoke a JSON web service depends on how you pass in its parameters. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to include parameters in web service invocations. First, you need to understand how your invocation is matched to a method, especially in the case of overloaded service methods.

The general rule is that you provide the service method name and all parameters for the service method–even if you only provide null.

It’s important to provide all parameters, but it doesn’t matter how you do it (e.g., as part of the URL line, as request parameters, etc.). The order of the parameters doesn’t matter either.

Exceptions abound in life, and there’s an exception to the rule that all parameters are required. When using numeric hints to match methods, not all of the parameters are required. Let’s look at using hints next.

Using Hints When Invoking a Service via URL

Adding numeric hints lets you specify how many method arguments a service has. If you don’t specify an argument for a parameter, it’s automatically passed in as null. Syntactically, you can add hints as numbers separated by a dot in the method name. Here’s an example:


Here, the .2 is a numeric hint specifying that only service methods with two arguments will be matched; others will be ignored for matching.

There’s an important distinction to make between matching using hints and matching without hints. When a hint is specified, you don’t have to specify all of the parameters. Any missing arguments are treated as null. The previous example may be called like this:


In this example, param2 will automatically be set to null.

Here’s a real Liferay Portal example:


In this example, the hint number is 4 because there are four parameters: parentFolderId, name, description, and p_auth. Since the description parameter is omitted, its value is assumed to be null. If you try to invoke this web service with another hint number such as 3 or 5, you’ll get an exception since there is no bookmarks/add-folder method that takes those numbers of parameters. p_auth is an authentication parameter that’s associated with your Liferay session. See below for more information.

Important: When invoking a Liferay web service by entering a URL into your browser, you must be logged into Liferay with an account that has permission to invoke the web service. You must also supply an authentication token as a URL parameter. This authentication token is associated with your browser session and is called p_auth. Using this authentication token helps prevent CSRF attacks.

Here are two easy ways to find the p_auth token:

  1. Go to Liferay’s JSON web services page and click on any service method. The value of the p_auth token appears under the Execute heading.

  2. If you’re working from a JavaScript context and have access to the Liferay object, invoking Liferay.authToken provides the value of the p_auth parameter.

Thus, if the value of your p_auth parameter happens to be n35K1pb2, for example, you’d invoke the URL examples above like this:


The remainder of this tutorial omits the p_auth parameter from the example URLs for invoking web services. Remember that you need to include it if you want to invoke services from your browser!

Next, find out how to pass parameters as part of the URL path.

Passing Parameters as Part of a URL Path

You can pass parameters as part of the URL path. After the service URL, just specify method parameters in name-value pairs. Parameter names must be formed from method argument names by converting them from camelCase to names using all lower case and separated-by-dash. Here’s an example of calling one of the portal’s services. This example returns all top-level bookmark folders from the specified site:


You can pass parameters in any order; it’s not necessary to follow the order in which the arguments are specified in the method signatures.

When a method name is overloaded, the best match will be used. The method that contains the least number of undefined arguments and is chosen and invoked for you.

You can also pass parameters in a URL query, and we’ll show you how next.

Passing Parameters as a URL Query

You can pass in parameters as request parameters. Parameter names are specified as is (e.g. camelCase) and are set equal to their argument values, like this:


As with passing parameters as part of a URL path, the parameter order is not important, and the best match rule applies for overloaded methods.

Now you know a few different ways to pass parameters. It’s also possible to pass URL parameters in a mixed way. Some can be part of the URL path and some can be specified as request parameters.

Parameter values are sent as strings using the HTTP protocol. Before a matching Java service method is invoked, each parameter value is converted from a String to its target Java type. Liferay uses a third party open source library to convert each object to its appropriate common type. It’s possible to add or change the conversion for certain types but we’ll just cover the standard conversion process.

Conversion for common types (e.g., long, String, boolean) is straightforward. Dates can be given in milliseconds. Locales can be passed as locale names (e.g. en and en_US). To pass in an array of numbers, send a String of comma-separated numbers (e.g. the String 4,8,15,16,23,42 can be converted to long[] type). You get the picture!

In addition to the common types, arguments can be of type List or Map. To pass a List argument, send a JSON array. To pass a Map argument, send a JSON object. These types of conversions are performed in two steps:

  • Step 1–JSON deserialization: JSON arrays are converted into List<String> and JSON objects are converted to Map<String, String>. For security reasons, it is forbidden to instantiate any type within JSON deserialization.
  • Step 2–Generification: Each String element of the List and Map is converted to its target type (the argument’s generic Java type specified in the method signature). This step is only executed if the Java argument type uses generics.

As an example, let’s consider the conversion of String array [en,fr] as JSON web service parameters for a List<Locale> Java method argument type:

  • Step 1–JSON deserialization: The JSON array is deserialized to a List<String> containing Strings en and fr.

  • Step 2–Generification: Each String is converted to the Locale (the generic type), resulting in the List<Locale> Java argument type.

Now let’s see how to specify an argument as null.

Sending NULL Values

To pass a null value for an argument, prefix the parameter name with a dash. Here’s an example:


Here’s the equivalent example using URL query parameters instead of URL path parameters:


The description parameter is interpreted as null. Although we have this parameter last in the URL above, it doesn’t have to be last.

Null parameters don’t have specified values. When a null parameter is passed as a request parameter, its value is ignored and null is used instead:

<input type="hidden" name="-description" value=""/>

When using JSON-RPC (see the JSON-RPC section below), you can send null values explicitly, even without a prefix. Here’s an example:


Now let’s learn about encoding parameters.

Encoding Parameters

There’s a difference between URL encoding and query (i.e., request parameters) encoding. The difference lies in how the space character is encoded. When the space character is part of the URL path, it’s encoded as %20; when it’s part of the query it’s encoded as a plus sign (+).

All these encoding rules apply to ASCII and international (non-ASCII) characters. Since Liferay Portal works in UTF-8 mode, parameter values must be encoded as UTF-8 values. Liferay Portal doesn’t decode request URLs and request parameter values to UTF-8 itself; it relies on the web server layer. When accessing services through JSON-RPC, encoding parameters to UTF-8 isn’t enough–you need to send the encoding type in a Content-Type header (e.g. Content-Type : "text/plain; charset=utf-8").

For example, suppose you want to pass the value “Супер” (“Super” in Cyrillic) to a JSON web service method. This name first has to be converted to UTF-8 (resulting in array of 10 bytes) and then encoded for URLs or request parameters. The resulting value is the string %D0%A1%D1%83%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%80 that can be passed to our service method. When received, this value is first going to be translated to an array of 10 bytes (URL decoded) and then converted to a UTF-8 string of the 5 original characters.

Did you know you can send files as arguments? Find out how next.

Sending Files as Arguments

Files can be uploaded using multipart forms and requests. Here’s an example:

    <input type="hidden" name="repositoryId" value="10172"/>
    <input type="hidden" name="folderId" value="0"/>
    <input type="hidden" name="title" value="test.jpg"/>
    <input type="hidden" name="description" value="File upload example"/>
    <input type="hidden" name="changeLog" value="v1"/>
    <input type="file" name="file"/>
    <input type="submit" value="addFileEntry(file)"/>

This is a common upload form that invokes the addFileEntry method of the DLAppService class.

Now we’ll show you how to invoke JSON web services using JSON-RPC.


You can invoke JSON Web Service using JSON-RPC. Most of the JSON-RPC 2.0 specification is supported in Liferay JSON web services. One important limitation is that parameters must be passed in as named parameters. Positional parameters are not supported, as there are too many overloaded methods for convenient use of positional parameters.

Here’s an example of invoking a JSON web service using JSON-RPC:

POST http://localhost:8080/api/jsonws/dlapp
    "params":{"repositoryId":10172, "parentFolderId":0},

Let’s talk about parameters that are made available to secure JSON web services by default.

Default Parameters

When accessing secure JSON web services (i.e., services for which the user must be authenticated), some parameters are made available to the web services by default. Note that as of Liferay 6.2, all of Liferay’s web services are secured by default. Unless you want to change the available parameters’ values to something other than their defaults, you don’t have to specify them explicitly.

Here are the available default parameters:

  • userId: The primary key of the authenticated user
  • user: The full user object
  • companyId: The primary key of the user’s company
  • serviceContext: The empty service context object

Let’s find out about object parameters next.

Object Parameters

Most services accept simple parameters like numbers and strings. However, sometimes you might need to provide an object (a non-simple type) as a service parameter.

To create an instance of an object parameter, prefix the parameter with a plus sign, + and don’t assign it any other parameter value. This is similar to when we specified a null parameter by prefixing the parameter with a dash symbol, -.

Here’s an example:


To create an instance of an object parameter as a request parameter, make sure you encode the + symbol:


Here’s an alternative syntax:

<input type="hidden" name="+foo" value=""/>

If a parameter is an abstract class or an interface, it can’t be instantiated as such. Instead, a concrete implementation class must be specified to create the argument value. You can do this by specifying the + prefix before the parameter name followed by specifying the concrete implementation class. Check out this example:


Here’s another way of doing it:

<input type="hidden" name="+foo:com.liferay.impl.FooBean" value=""/>

The examples above specify that a com.liferay.impl.FooBean object, presumed to implement the class of the parameter named foo, is to be created.

You can also set a concrete implementation as a value. Here’s an example:

<input type="hidden" name="+foo" value="com.liferay.impl.FooBean"/>

In JSON-RPC, here’s what it looks like:

"+foo" : "com.liferay.impl.FooBean"

All the examples above specify a concrete implementation for the foo service method parameter.

Once you pass in an object parameter, you might want to populate the object. Find out how next.

Inner Parameters

When you pass in an object parameter, you’ll often need to populate its inner parameters (i.e., fields). Consider a default parameter serviceContext of type ServiceContext (see the Understanding ServiceContext tutorial to find out more about this type). To make an appropriate call to JSONWS, you might need to set the serviceContext parameter’s addGroupPermissions and scopeGroupId fields.

You can pass inner parameters by specifying them using dot notation. Just append the name of the parameter with a dot (i.e., a period, .), followed by the name of the inner parameter. For the ServiceContext inner parameters we mentioned above, you’d specify serviceContext.addGroupPermissions and serviceContext.scopeGroupId. They’re recognized as inner parameters and their values are injected into existing parameters before the API service method is executed.

Inner parameters aren’t counted as regular parameters for matching methods and are ignored during matching.

Next, let’s see what values are returned when a JSON web service is invoked.

Returned Values

No matter how a JSON web service is invoked, it returns a JSON string that represents the service method result. Returned objects are loosely serialized to a JSON string and returned to the caller.

Let’s look at some values returned from service calls. We’ll create a UserGroup as we did in our SOAP web service client examples. To make it easy, we’ll use the test form provided with the JSON web service in our browser.

  1. Sign in to your portal as an administrator and then point your browser to the JSON web service method that adds a BookmarksFolder:

    Alternatively, navigate to it by starting at and then scrolling down to the section for BookmarksFolder. Click add-folder.

  2. In the parentFolderId field, enter 0. Top-level bookmarks folders have a parentFolderId value of 0. Set the name to an arbitrary value like News. Set the description to something like Created via JSON WS.

  3. Click Invoke and you’ll get a result similar to the following:

      "companyId": 20154,
      "createDate": 1433285384961,
      "description": "Created via JSON WS",
      "folderId": 21898,
      "groupId": 20181,
      "modifiedDate": 1433285384961,
      "name": "News",
      "parentFolderId": 0,
      "resourceBlockId": 304,
      "status": 0,
      "statusByUserId": 0,
      "statusByUserName": "",
      "statusDate": null,
      "treePath": "/21898/",
      "userId": 20198,
      "userName": "Test Test",
      "uuid": "91d76380-8a2c-4965-a7fb-e0c8e1afea4d"

The returned String represents the UserGroup object you just created, serialized into a JSON string. To find out more about JSON strings, go to

Common JSON Web Service Errors

While working with JSON web services, you may encounter errors. Let’s discuss the following common errors:

  • Authenticated access required

    If you see this error, it means you don’t have permission to invoke the remote service. Double-check that you’re signed in as a user with the appropriate permissions. If necessary, sign in as an administrator to invoke the remote service.

  • Missing value for parameter

    If you see this error, you didn’t pass a parameter value along with the parameter name in your URL path. The parameter value must follow the parameter name, like in this example:


    The path above specifies a parameter named userId, but doesn’t specify the parameter’s value. You can resolve this error by providing the parameter value after the parameter name:

  • No JSON web service action associated

    This is error means no service method could be matched with the provided data (method name and argument names). This can be due to various reasons: arguments may be misspelled, the method name may be formatted incorrectly, etc. Since JSON web services reflect the underlying Java API, any changes in the respective Java API will automatically be propagated to the JSON web services. For example, if a new argument is added to a method or an existing argument is removed from a method, the parameter data must match that of the new method signature.

  • Unmatched argument type

    This error appears when you try to instantiate a method argument using an incompatible argument type.

  • Judgment Day

    We hope you never see this error. It means that Skynet has initiated a nuclear war and most of humanity will be wiped out; survivors will need to battle Terminator cyborgs. If you see this error and survive Judgment Day, we recommend joining the resistance–they’ll likely need good developers to support the cause, especially those familiar with time travel.

    Had you going there, didn’t we?

Registering JSON Web Services

JSON Web Services Invoker

JSON Web Services Invocation Examples

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