Installing Liferay on WebSphere 8.0

Tip: Throughout this installation and configuration process, WebSphere prompts you to Click Save to apply changes to Master Configuration. Do so intermittently to save your changes.

Liferay Home is in a folder called liferay in the home folder of the user ID that is running WebSphere.

Preparing WebSphere for Liferay

When the application server binaries have been installed, start the Profile Management Tool to create a profile appropriate for Liferay.

  1. Click on Create…. Choose Application Server. Click Next.

  2. Click the Advanced profile creation option and then click Next. Why Advanced? You can specify your own values for settings such as the location of the profile and names of the profile, node and host. You can assign your own ports. You can optionally choose whether to deploy the administrative console and sample application and also add web-server definitions if you wish. Web server definitions are used with IBM HTTP Server. For more information about these options, please see the WebSphere documentation.

    Figure 14.48: Choose the Advanced profile option to specify your own settings.

    Figure 14.48: Choose the Advanced profile option to specify your own settings.

  3. Check the box Deploy administrative console. This gives you a web-based UI for working with your application server. Skip the default applications. You’d only install these on a development machine. Click Next.

  4. Set profile name and location. Ensure you specify a performance tuning setting other than Development, since you’re installing a server for production use. Click Next.

    Figure 14.49: Use a performance tuning setting other than Development. Weve selected Standard here. Please see the WebSphere documentation for further information about performance tuning settings.

    Figure 14.49: Use a performance tuning setting other than Development. We've selected Standard here. Please see the WebSphere documentation for further information about performance tuning settings.

  5. Choose node and host names for your server. These will be specific to your environment. Click Next.

    Figure 14.50: Choose node and host names appropriate to your environment.

    Figure 14.50: Choose node and host names appropriate to your environment.

  6. Administrative security in WebSphere is a way to restrict who has access to the administrative tools. For simplicity, we’ve disabled it but you may want to have it enabled in your environment. Please see WebSphere’s documentation for further information. Click Next.

    Figure 14.51: Weve disabled administrative security but you may want to enable it.

    Figure 14.51: We've disabled administrative security but you may want to enable it.

  7. Each profile needs a security certificate, which comes next in the wizard. If you don’t have certificates already, choose the option to generate a personal certificate and a signing certficate and click Next.

  8. Once the certificates are generated, set a password for your keystore. Click Next.

    Figure 14.52: Set a password for your keystore.

    Figure 14.52: Set a password for your keystore.

  9. Next, you can customize the ports this server profile uses. Be sure to choose ports that are open on your machine. When choosing ports, installation detects existing WebSphere installations and if it finds activity, it increments ports by one.

    Figure 14.53: WebSphere gives you a nice user interface for customizing the ports your server uses.

    Figure 14.53: WebSphere gives you a nice user interface for customizing the ports your server uses.

  10. If you want WebSphere to start automatically when the machine is booted, you configure it next. This differs by operating system. When you’re finished configuring this the way you want, click Next.

  11. WebSphere ships with IBM HTTP Server, which is a rebranded version of Apache. If you want to front your WebSphere server with IBM HTTP Server, you’d configure this next. Please see WebSphere’s documentation for details on this. When finished, click Next.

  12. WebSphere then creates your profile and finishes with a message telling you the profile was created successfully. You’re now ready to install Liferay!

Copying Portal Dependencies

Liferay ships with dependency .jars it needs to have on the global classpath. These should be copied to WebSphere’s global folder provided for this purpose:

[Install Location]/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/ext

Once you’ve copied the .jars here, start the server profile you’re planning to use for Liferay. Once it starts, you’re ready to configure your database.

Database Configuration

If you want WebSphere to manage the database connections, follow the instructions below. Note this is not necessary if you’re planning on using Liferay’s standard database configuration; in that case, skip this section. You’ll set your database information in Liferay’s setup wizard after the install.

Figure 14.54: WebSphere JDBC providers

Figure 14.54: WebSphere JDBC providers

  1. Start WebSphere.

  2. Open the Administrative Console and log in.

  3. Click Resources → JDBC Providers.

  4. Click New.

  5. For name, enter the name of JDBC provider (e.g. MySQL JDBC Provider).

  6. For Implementation class name, enter:

  7. Click Next.

  8. Clear any text in classpath. You already copied the necessary .jars to a location on the server’s class path.

  9. Click Next.

  10. Click Finish.

  11. Click Data Sources under Additional Properties.

  12. Click New.

  13. Enter a name: liferaydatabasesource.

  14. Enter JNDI: jdbc/LiferayPool.

  15. Everything else should stay at the default values. Save the data source.

  16. When finished, go back into the data source and click Custom Properties and then click the Show Filter Function button. This is the second from last of the small icons under the New and Delete buttons.

  17. Type user into the search terms and click Go.

    Figure 14.55: Modifying data source properties in WebSphere

    Figure 14.55: Modifying data source properties in WebSphere

  18. Select the user property and give it the value of the user name to your database. Click OK and save to master configuration.

  19. Do another filter search for the url property. Give it a value that points to your database. For example, the MySQL URL would be: jdbc:mysql://localhost/lportal?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&useFastDateParsing=false. Click OK and save to master configuration.

  20. Do another filter search for the password property. Enter the password for the user ID you added earlier as the value for this property. Click OK and save to master configuration.

  21. Go back to the data source page by clicking it in the breadcrumb trail. Click the Test Connection button. It should connect successfully.

Once you’ve set up your database, you can set up your mail session.

Mail Configuration

If you want WebSphere to manage your mail sessions, use the following procedure. If you want to use Liferay’s built-in mail sessions, you can skip this section.

  1. Click Resources → Mail → Mail Providers.

  2. Click the Built-In Mail Provider for your node and server.

  3. Click Mail Sessions and then click the New button.

  4. Give it a name of liferaymail and a JNDI name of mail/MailSession. Click OK and save to master configuration.

  5. Click Security → Global Security and deselect Use Java 2 security to restrict application access to local resources if it is selected. Click Apply.

Great! Now you’re ready to deploy Liferay.

Deploy Liferay

  1. Click Applications → New Application → New Enterprise Application.

  2. Browse to the Liferay .war file and click Next.

  3. Leave Fast Path selected and click Next, then click Next again.

  4. Make sure your server is selected and click Next.

  5. Keep the context root set to / and click Next.

  6. Click Finish. When Liferay has installed, click Save to Master Configuration.

Start Liferay

  1. If you plan to use Liferay’s setup wizard, skip to the next step. If you wish to use WebSphere’s data source and mail session, create a file called in your Liferay Home folder. Place the following text in the file:
  2. Select the Liferay application and click Start.

    Figure 14.56: Starting Liferay on WebSphere.

    Figure 14.56: Starting Liferay on WebSphere.

  3. In the setup wizard, select and configure your database type. Click Finish when you’re done.

    Liferay then creates the tables it needs in the database.

Congratulations! You’ve installed Liferay on WebSphere!

« Installing Liferay on Oracle WebLogic 10.3Making Liferay Coexist with Other Java EE Applications »
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