Creating a JSF Project Manually

Liferay DXP’s modular architecture lends itself well to modular applications created using a multitude of different technologies. JSF applications are no different and can be developed to integrate seamlessly into the Liferay platform.

In this tutorial, you’ll step through packaging and creating a JSF application that is deployable as an OSGi module at runtime. First, you’ll learn how to package a JSF application as a module.

Packaging a JSF Application

Developers creating portlets for Liferay DXP 7.0 can package their portlets as Java EE style Web Application ARchive (WAR) artifacts or as Java ARchive (JAR) OSGi bundle artifacts. JSF portlet developers, however, must package their portlets as WAR artifacts because the JSF framework expects a WAR layout and often requires the WEB-INF/faces-config.xml descriptor and other Java EE resources such as the WEB-INF/web.xml descriptor.

Liferay provides a way for these WAR-styled portlets to be deployed and treated like OSGi modules by Liferay’s OSGi runtime. The WAB Generator does this automatically by converting your WAR artifact to a WAB at deployment time. You can learn more about WABs and the WAB Generator in the Using the WAB Generator tutorial.

This is how a JSF WAR artifact is structured:

  • jsf-portlet
    • src
      • main
        • java
          • Java Classes
        • resources
          • Properties files
        • webapp
          • WEB-INF/
            • classes/
              • Class files and related properties
            • lib/
              • JAR dependencies
            • resources/
              • CSS, XHTML, PNG or other frontend files
            • views/
              • XHTML views
            • faces-config.xml
            • liferay-display.xml
            • liferay-portlet.xml
            • portlet.xml
            • web.xml

Next, you’ll begin creating a simple JSF application that is deployable to Liferay DXP.

Creating a JSF Application

JSF portlets are supported on Liferay Portal by using Liferay Faces Bridge. Liferay Faces Bridge makes developing JSF portlets as similar as possible to JSF web app development.

You’ll create a simple Hello User application that asks for the user’s name and then greets him or her with the name. You’ll begin by creating the WAR-style folder structure, and then you’ll configure dependencies like Liferay Faces Bridge.

  1. Create a WAR-style folder structure for your module. Maven archetypes are available to help you get started quickly. They set the default configuration for you and contain boilerplate code so you can skip the file creation steps and get started right away. For your JSF application, you’ll set up the folder structure manually. Follow the folder structure outline below:

    - hello-user-jsf-portlet
        - src
            - main
                - java
                - resources
                - webapp
                    - WEB-INF
                        - resources
                        - views
  2. Make sure your module specifies the dependencies necessary for a Liferay JSF application. For instance, you must always specify the Faces API, Faces Reference Implementation (Mojarra), and Liferay Faces Bridge as dependencies in a Liferay-compatible JSF application. Also, an important, but not required, dependency is the Log4j logging utility. This is highly recommended for development purposes because it logs DEBUG messages in the console. You’ll configure the logging utility later.

    For an example build file, the pom.xml file used for the Maven based Hello User JSF application is below. All the dependencies described above are configured in the Hello User JSF application’s pom.xml file.

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

    There are also two plugins the Hello User JSF application defined in its pom.xml: maven-compiler-plugin and maven-war-plugin. These two plugins are responsible for building and compiling the JSF application using Maven.

    There are several UI component suites that a JSF application can use, which include Liferay Faces Alloy, PrimeFaces, ICEfaces, and RichFaces. Furthermore, you can take advantage of Liferay Faces Portal in order to use Liferay-specific utilities and UI components. These components can be used by specifying them as dependencies in your build file, as well.

    Now that your build file is configured, you must define the JSF-specific configurations for your application. These fall into two convenient categories: general descriptors and Liferay descriptors. You’ll start with creating the necessary general descriptors.

Defining JSF Portlet Descriptors

Since JSF portlets must follow a WAR-style folder structure, they must also have WAR-style portlet descriptors.

  1. Create a portlet.xml file in the webapp/WEB-INF folder. All portlet WARs require this file. In this file, make sure to declare the following portlet class:


    The javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet class handles invocations to your JSF portlet and makes your portlet, since it relies on Liferay Faces Bridge, easy to develop by acting as a turnkey implementation.

  2. Define a default view file as an init-param in the portlet.xml. This ensures your portlet is visible when deployed to Liferay DXP.


    You’ll create this view later.

    The portlet.xml file holds other important details too, like portlet info and security settings. Look at the portlet.xml file for the example Hello User JSF application.

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <portlet-app xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="2.0">
            <display-name>Hello User JSF Portlet</display-name>
                <title>Hello User JSF Portlet</title>
                <short-title>Hello User</short-title>

    The above configuration sets your portlet’s various names, MIME type, expiration cache, and security roles.

  3. Create a web.xml file in your JSF application’s webapp/WEB-INF folder. The web.xml file serves as a deployment descriptor that provides necessary configurations for your JSF portlet to deploy and function in Liferay DXP. Copy the XML code below into your Hello User JSF application.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <web-app xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
        xsi:schemaLocation="" version="3.0">
            <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
            <display-name>Prevent direct access to Facelet XHTML</display-name>
                <web-resource-name>Facelet XHTML</web-resource-name>

    First, you set the javax.faces.PROJECT_STAGE parameter to the ${project.stage} variable, which is defined in your build file (e.g., pom.xml) as Development. When set to Development, the JSF implementation will perform the following steps at runtime:

    1. Log more verbose messages.
    2. Render tips and/or warnings in the view markup.
    3. Cause the default ExceptionHandler to display a developer-friendly error page.

    The javax.faces.WEBAPP_RESOURCES_DIRECTORY parameter sets the resources folder inside the WEB-INF folder. This setting makes the resources in that folder (e.g., CSS, JavaScript, XHTML) secure from non-JSF calls. You’ll create resources for your app later.

    The Faces Servlet configuration is required to initialize JSF and should be defined in all JSF portlets deployed to Liferay DXP.

    Finally, a security restraint is set on Facelet XHTML, which prevents direct access to XHTML files in your JSF application.

  4. Create a faces-config.xml file in your JSF application’s webapp/WEB-INF folder. The faces-config.xml descriptor is a JSF portlet’s application configuration file, which is used to register and configure objects and navigation rules. The Hello User portlet’s faces-config.xml file has the following contents:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <faces-config version="2.2"

    Many auto-generated faces-config.xml files have the following configuration:


    This configures your JSF portlet to log the before/after phases of the JSF lifecycle to your console in debug mode. Remove this declaration before deploying to production.

Great! You now have a good idea of how to specify and define general descriptor files for your JSF portlet. JSF portlets also use Liferay descriptors, which you can learn more about in the Liferay Descriptors sub-section.

Now that your portlet descriptors are defined, you should begin working on your JSF application’s resources.

Defining Resources for a JSF Application

If you look back at the Hello User portlet’s structure, you’ll notice two resources folders defined. Why are there two of these folders for one portlet? These two folders have distinct differences in how they’re used and what should be placed in them.

The resources folder in the application’s src/main folder is intended for resources that need to be on the classpath. Files in this folder are usually properties files. For this portlet, you’ll create two properties files to reside in this folder.

  1. Create the file in the src/main/resources folder. Add the following property to this file:

    enter-your-name=Enter your name:

    This is a language key your JSF portlet displays in its view XHTML. The messages in the file can be accessed via the Expression Language using the implicit i18n object provided by the Liferay Faces Util class. The i18n object can access messages both from a resource bundle defined in the portlet’s portlet.xml file, and from Liferay DXP’s file.

  2. Create the file in the src/main/resources folder. This file sets properties for the Log4j logging utility defined in your JSF application (i.e., faces-config.xml). Insert the properties below into your JSF application’s file.

    log4j.rootLogger=INFO, CONSOLE
    log4j.appender.CONSOLE.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ABSOLUTE} %-5p [%c{1}:%L] %m%n

The second resources folder in your JSF application is located in the src/main/webapp/WEB-INF folder. This folder holds CSS/JS/XHTML resources that shouldn’t be accessed directly by the browser. For the Hello User JSF application, create a css folder with a main.css file inside. In the main.css file, add the following style:

.com.liferay.hello.user.jsf.portlet {
    font-weight: bold;

This file gives your JSF portlet a bold font.

Now that your resources are defined, it’s time to begin developing the Hello User application’s behavior and UI.

Developing a JSF Application’s Behavior and UI

Your current JSF application satisfies the requirements for portlet descriptors and WAR-style structure, but it doesn’t do anything yet. You’ll learn how to develop a JSF application’s back-end and give it a simple UI next.

The first thing to do is create a Java class for your module. Your JSF portlet’s behavior is defined here. In the case of the Hello User portlet, you should provide Java methods that can get/set a name and facilitate the submission process.

  1. Create a unique package name in the module’s src/main/java folder and create a new public Java class named in that package. For example, the class’s folder structure could be src/main/java/com/liferay/example/ Make sure the class is annotated with @RequestScoped and @ManagedBean:

    public class ExampleBacking {

    Managed beans are Java beans that are managed by the JSF framework. Managed beans annotated with @RequestScoped are usually responsible for handling actions and listeners. JSF manages these beans by creating and removing the bean object from the server. Visit the linked annotations above for more details.

  2. Add the following methods and field to your class:

    public String getName() {
        return name;
    public void setName(String name) { = name;
    public void submit(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
    private String name;

    You’ve provided a getter and setter method for the private name field. You’ve also provided a submit(...) method, which is called when the Submit button is selected. A success info message is displayed once the method is invoked.

    You’ve defined your Hello User portlet’s Java behavior; now create its UI!

  3. Create a view.xhtml file in the webapp/WEB-INF/views folder. Add the following logic to that file:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
            <h:outputStylesheet library="css" name="main.css" />
            <h:messages globalOnly="true" />
            <h:outputLabel value="#{i18n['enter-your-name']}" />
            <h:inputText value="#{}" />
            <h:commandButton actionListener="#{exampleBacking.submit}" value="#{i18n['submit']}">
                <f:ajax execute="@form" render="@form" />
            <br />
            <h:outputText value="Hello #{}" />

    The first thing to notice is the main.css file you created is specified here, which makes your portlet’s heading typeface bold. Next, your form is defined within the <h:form> tags. The form asks the user to enter his or her name, and then sets that value to the name field in your Java class. The form uses the <h:commandButton> tag to execute the Submit button and render the form after submission.

    Notice the i18n object call for the enter-your-name and submit properties. The enter-your-name property was set in the file you specified, but what about the submit property? This was not defined in your portlet’s file, so how does your portlet know to use the string Submit for your button? If you recall, the i18n object can also access messages in Liferay DXP’s file. This is where the submit language key comes from.

    Finally, the <h:outputText> tag prints the submitted name on the page, prefixed with Hello.

Awesome! Your Hello User JSF application is complete! Deploy your WAR to Liferay DXP. Remember, when your WAR-style portlet is deployed, it’s converted to a WAB via the WAB Generator. Visit the Using the WAB Generator tutorial for more information on this process and your portlet’s resulting folder structure.

Figure 1: After submitting the users name, its displayed with a greeting.

Figure 1: After submitting the user's name, it's displayed with a greeting.

To recap, you created your JSF application in the following steps:

  • Construct the WAR-style folder structure.
  • Specify the necessary dependencies in a build file of your choice.
  • Create JSF portlet descriptors and Liferay descriptors.
  • Add resource files in the two designated resources folders.
  • Define the portlet’s behavior using a Java class.
  • Design a view XHTML form to let the user interact with the portlet.

You can view the finished version of the Hello User JSF application by downloading its ZIP file.

Now you have the knowledge to create your own JSF applications!




« Generating a JSF Project Using Developer StudioServices in JSF »
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