Creating Layouts inside Custom Portlets

Page layout tags let you create layouts using Bootstrap 3 within your portlets.

This tutorial explains the <aui:*> tags that developers can use to create layouts.

AUI Container

The <aui:container> tag creates a container <div> tag to wrap <aui:row> components and offer additional styling.

It supports the following attributes:

cssClassStringA CSS class for styling the component
dynamicAttributesMap<String, Object>Map of data- attributes for your container
fluidbooleanWhether to enable the container to span the entire width of the viewport. The default value is true
idStringAn ID for the component instance


The <aui:row> tag creates a row to hold <aui:col> components.

It supports the following attributes:

cssClassStringA CSS class for styling the component
idStringAn ID for the component instance


The <aui:col> tag creates a column to display content in an <aui:row> component.

It supports the following attributes:


Example JSP

Below is an example layout created in a portlet:

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="aui" %>

<aui:container cssClass='super-awesome-container'>
                <aui:col md="4" sm="6">
                        <h2>Some fun content using the 'md' and 'sm' attributes</h2>

                <aui:col md="8" sm="6">
                                Some text here.

                <aui:col width="<%= 40 %>">
                        <h2>Some fun content using the 'width' attribute</h2>

                <aui:col width="<%= 60 %>">
                                Cool text here.

                <aui:col span="<%= 4 %>">
                        <h2>Some fun content using the 'span' attribute</h2>

                <aui:col span="<%= 8 %>">
                                Nice text here.

Now you know how to create layouts inside your portlets!

Layout Templates with the Liferay Theme Generator

« Automatic Single Page ApplicationsUsing JavaScript in Your Portlets »
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