Implementing a Management Bar Sort Filter

The Management Bar Sort Filters let you compare entries for a search container field, and sort them by ascending or descending. To do this, you must create a comparator class for each field that you want to sort.

The sort filters are an implementation of the standard Comparator Interface, with some additional methods provided by the OrderByComparator class.

Once the class is created you can use it in your view to add the sort filters to the UI.

Go ahead and get started by creating the Comparator class next.

Creating the Comparator Class

The OrderByComparator class is a Comparator implementation that you can extend to create sort filters. Follow these steps to create the *OrderByComparator class:

  1. Right-click on your API module’s folder in the package explorer and select NewPackage to create a new package.

  2. Right-click the package you just created and select NewClass. Enter EntryNameComparator for the class Name, check the Constructors from superclass option, and click Finish.

  3. Update the class declaration to extend the OrderByComparator class and use a proper asset type, <Entry> for example>. Below is an example configuration for an entry name field comparator:

     public class EntryNameComparator extends OrderByComparator<Entry>{
  4. Add variables for the ascending, descending, and column name field (name for example) sorters:

    public static final String ORDER_BY_ASC = "[asset].[column name] ASC";
    public static final String ORDER_BY_DESC = "[asset].[column name] DESC";
    public static final String[] ORDER_BY_FIELDS = {"[field name]"};

    Below is an example configuration for an Entry asset’s name field:

    public static final String ORDER_BY_ASC = " ASC";
    public static final String ORDER_BY_DESC = " DESC";
    public static final String[] ORDER_BY_FIELDS = {"name"};
  5. Replace the public constructor with the following constructors:

    public *Comparator() {
    public *Comparator(boolean ascending) {
    	_ascending = ascending;

    Below is an example configuration for an EntryNameComparator:

    public EntryNameComparator() {
    public EntryNameComparator(boolean ascending) {
      _ascending = ascending;
  6. Add the compare() method to compare search container asset entries. Below is an example configuration for entry assets:

    public int compare(Entry entry1, Entry entry2) {
      String name1 = entry1.getName();
      String name2 = entry2.getName();
      int value = name1.compareTo(name2);
      if (_ascending) {
        return value;
      else {
        return -value;
  7. Add the following code to return the order fields and check whether the order is ascending or descending:

    public String getOrderBy() {
    	if (_ascending) {
    		return ORDER_BY_ASC;
    	else {
    		return ORDER_BY_DESC;
    public String[] getOrderByFields() {
    	return ORDER_BY_FIELDS;
    public boolean isAscending() {
    	return _ascending;
    private final boolean _ascending;
  8. Finally, resolve imports for the class:

    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator;

Now that your *Comparator class is written you must update the service layer to use it.

Updating the Service Layer

Follow these steps to update services:

  1. Open your *EntryLocalServiceImpl class in your service module and import the OrderByComparator class:

    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator;
  1. Update the getEntries() method with the start and end integers to include the OrderByComparator parameter. Below is an example configuraiton:

    public List<Entry> getEntries(
    	long groupId, long guestbookId, int start, int end,
    	OrderByComparator<Entry> obc) {
    	return entryPersistence.findByG_G(
    		groupId, guestbookId, start, end, obc);
  2. Rebuild services for your App. Right-click the service module in the Project Explorer and select Liferaybuild-service.

  3. Export the comparator package in the API module’s BND.

Now that the services are updated and your exports are in order, you can configure the view to use the comparator next.

Configuring the View

Follow these steps to configure the view to use the Comparator:

  1. Import the EntryNameComparator and Comparator classes into the web module project’s init.jsp:

    page import=""
    page import="com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator"
  2. Open the view and add the comparator code below the displayStyle variable in the java scriplet at the top. Below is an example configuration that uses the EntryNameComparator class:

    String orderByCol = ParamUtil.getString(request, "orderByCol", "name");
    boolean orderByAsc = false;
    String orderByType = ParamUtil.getString(request, "orderByType", "asc");
    if (orderByType.equals("asc")) {
    	orderByAsc = true;
    OrderByComparator orderByComparator = null;
    if (orderByCol.equals("name")) {
    	orderByComparator = new EntryNameComparator(orderByAsc);

    This sets up the configuration for the comparators.

  3. Add orderByCol and orderByType portlet parameters for your order comparator to the view’s render URL. The orderByCol parameter specifies the column to order by and the orderByType column specifies whether the order is ascending or descending. Below is the configuration for the EntryNameComparator:

    <liferay-portlet:renderURL varImpl="viewPageURL">
        <portlet:param name="mvcPath" value="/html/guestbookmvcportlet/view.jsp" />
        <portlet:param name="guestbookId" value="<%= String.valueOf(guestbookId) %>" />
        <portlet:param name="displayStyle" value="<%= displayStyle %>" />
        <portlet:param name="orderByCol" value="<%= orderByCol %>" />
        <portlet:param name="orderByType" value="<%= orderByType %>" />
  4. Add the sort filters below the navigation filters, using the <liferay-frontend:management-bar-sort /> taglib. Pass the name of the column you specified in the *Comparator class. Below is the example configuration for the EntryNameComparator class:

      orderByCol="<%= orderByCol %>"
      orderByType="<%= orderByType %>"
      orderColumns='<%= new String[] {"name"} %>'
      portletURL="<%= viewPageURL %>"
  5. Finally, pass the orderByComparator in as an argument in the search container results to match the updated method signature you modified. Below is the configuration for the example EntryNameComparator:

    	results="<%= EntryLocalServiceUtil.getEntries(scopeGroupId,
      guestbookId, searchContainer.getStart(), searchContainer.getEnd(),
      orderByComparator) %>"

The Management Bar Sort Filters are finished!

Implementing a Management Bar Navigation Filter

Disabling the Management Bar

« Implementing a Management Bar Navigation FilterDisabling the Management Bar »
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