Making Your Applications Configurable

This tutorial explains how to make your applications configurable. It starts with basic configuration and then covers some advanced use cases.

Note that the methods described here are not mandatory. You can make your applications configurable using any other mechanism that you’re already familiar with. We have found, however, that the method described below provides the greatest benefit with the least amount of effort.


While you don’t need to know much to make your applications configurable, understanding a few key concepts helps you achieve a higher degree of configurability with little effort.

  • Typed Configuration: The method described here uses typed configuration. This means that the application configuration isn’t just a list of key-value pairs. The values can have types, like Integer, a list of Strings, a URL, etc. It’s even possible to use your own custom types, although that’s beyond the scope of this tutorial. Typed configurations are easier to use than untyped configurations, and they prevent many programmatic errors. Related to this, the configuration options should be programmatically explicit, so that developers can use autocomplete in modern IDEs to find out all of the configuration options of a given application or one of its components.

  • Modularity: In Liferay DXP, applications are modular and built as a collection of lightweight components. A component is just a class that has the @Component annotation, often along with a set of properties to provide metadata. The configuration mechanisms described here leverage the concept of components.

  • Configuration Scope: If your application must support different configurations at different scopes, the APIs described below handle most of the burden for you. It’s still important, however, for you to understand the term configuration scope. Here are the most common configuration scopes that Liferay applications can have:

    1. System: configuration that is unique for the complete installation of the application.

    2. Virtual Instance: configuration that can vary per virtual instance.

    3. Site: configuration that can vary per Liferay site.

    4. Portlet Instance: applicable for applications that are placed on a page (i.e., portlets). Each placement (instance) of the application on the page can have a different configuration.

Enough with the conceptual stuff. You’re ready to get started with some code. If you already had a portlet or service that was configurable using the traditional mechanisms of Liferay Portal 6.2 and before, refer to the Transitioning from Portlet Preferences to the Configuration API tutorial.

Making Your Application Configurable

There’s a minimal amount of code you need to write to make your application configurable the Liferay DXP way. First, you’ll learn how to create a configuration at the system scope.

First create a Java interface to represent the configuration and its default values. Using a Java interface allows for an advanced type system for each configuration option. Here is an example of such an interface:

@Meta.OCD(id = "")
public interface ExampleConfiguration {

        deflt = "blue",
        required = false
    public String favoriteColor();

       deflt = "red|green|blue",
       required = false
    public String[] validColors();

    @Meta.AD(required = false)
    public int itemsPerPage();


As you can see, you are using two Java annotations to provide some metadata about the configuration. Here is what they do:

  1. Meta.OCD Registers this class as a configuration with a specific id. The ID must be the fully qualified configuration class name.

  2. Meta.AD Specifies the default value of a configuration field as well as whether it’s required or not. Note that if you set a field as required and don’t specify a default value, the system administrator must specify a value in order for your application to work properly. Use the deflt property to specify a default value.

The fully-qualified class name of the Meta class referred to above is aQute.bnd.annotation.metatype.Meta. For more information about this class and the Meta.OCD and Meta.AD annotations, please refer to this bnd documentation: In order to use the Meta.OCD and Meta.AD annotations in your modules, you must specify a dependency on the bnd library. We recommend using bnd version 3. Here’s an example of how to include this dependency in a Gradle project:

dependencies {
    compile group: "biz.aQute.bnd", name: "biz.aQute.bndlib", version: "3.1.0"

Add the following line to your project’s bnd.bnd file:

-metatype: *

This line lets bnd use your configuration interface to generate an XML configuration file. With this information, Liferay already knows a lot about your application’s configuration options. In fact, it knows enough to generate a user interface automatically. Cool, isn’t it?

Figure 1: Navigate to the Control Panel and then click on Configuration → System Settings. Then click on Other, find the Example configuration link, and click on it.

Figure 1: Navigate to the Control Panel and then click on *Configuration* → *System Settings*. Then click on *Other*, find the *Example configuration* link, and click on it.

Even if you agree that this is pretty cool, you might be wondering how to read the configuration from your application’s code. It’s actually quite easy. Here’s a simple example:

@Component(configurationPid = "")
public class MyAppManager {

    public String getFavoriteColor(Map colors) {
       return colors.get(_configuration.favoriteColor());

    protected void activate(Map<String, Object> properties) {
        _configuration = ConfigurableUtil.createConfigurable(
        ExampleConfiguration.class, properties);

    private volatile ExampleConfiguration _configuration;


Here are the most relevant aspects of this example:

  1. This class is a component, specified with the @Component annotation.
  2. This component uses the configuration with the ID As a result, this method is invoked when the application starts (due to the @Activate annotation) and whenever the configuration is modified (due to the @Modified annotation).
  3. The activate() method uses the method ConfigurableUtil.createConfigurable() to convert a map of properties with the configuration to our typed class, which is easier to handle.
  4. The configuration is stored in a volatile field. Don’t forget to make it volatile or you’ll run into weird problems.

That’s it. With very few lines of code, you have a configurable application that dynamically changes its configuration, has an auto-generated UI, and uses a simple API to access the configuration.

Accessing Your Configuration in a JSP Portlet Application

In Liferay DXP it’s very common to read a configuration from a portlet class. If the portlet is a JSP portlet, the configuration object can be added to the request object so that configurations can be read from the JSPs that comprise the application’s view layer. In this section, you’ll see an example of reading a configuration from a portlet class, adding it to the request, and reading from the view layer. The import statements are included in the code snippets so that you can see the fully qualified class names of all the classes that are used.


import java.util.Map;

import javax.portlet.Portlet;
import javax.portlet.PortletException;
import javax.portlet.RenderRequest;
import javax.portlet.RenderResponse;

import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Activate;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Modified;

import com.liferay.portal.kernel.portlet.bridges.mvc.MVCPortlet;

import com.liferay.portal.configuration.metatype.bnd.util.ConfigurableUtil;

    configurationPid = "",
    immediate = true,
    property = {
    service = Portlet.class
public class ExampleConfigPortlet extends MVCPortlet {

    public void doView(RenderRequest renderRequest,
        RenderResponse renderResponse) throws IOException, PortletException {

            ExampleConfiguration.class.getName(), _configuration);

        super.doView(renderRequest, renderResponse);

    public String getFavoriteColor(Map colors) {
        return (String) colors.get(_configuration.favoriteColor());

    protected void activate(Map<String, Object> properties) {
        _configuration = ConfigurableUtil.createConfigurable(
        ExampleConfiguration.class, properties);

    private volatile ExampleConfiguration _configuration;


The main difference between this example and the first one is that this class is a portlet class and it sets the configuration object as a request attribute in its doView() method. To read configuration values from a JSP, first add these imports to your init.jsp file:

<%@ page import="" %>
<%@ page import="com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.GetterUtil" %>

In a JSP portlet application, your full init.jsp file should at least have contents like this:

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="portlet" %>

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="aui" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="liferay-portlet" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="liferay-theme" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="liferay-ui" %>

<%@ page import="" %>
<%@ page import="com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.GetterUtil" %>

<portlet:defineObjects />
<liferay-theme:defineObjects />

It’s a Liferay convention that all JSP imports in your application should go in an init.jsp file. All of your application’s other JSPs import init.jsp. This convention ensures that you only have to manage JSP dependencies in a single file.

Next, obtain the configuration object from request object and read the desired configuration value from it. Here’s an example view.jsp file that does this:

<%@ include file="/init.jsp" %>

    <b>Hello from the Example Configuration portlet!</b>

ExampleConfiguration configuration = (ExampleConfiguration) GetterUtil.getObject(

String favoriteColor = configuration.favoriteColor();

<p>Favorite color: <span style="color: <%= favoriteColor %>;"><%= favoriteColor %></span></p

Figure 2: Here, the Example Configuration portlets view.jsp is rendered. This JSP reads the value of the favoriteColor configuration and displays it.

Figure 2: Here, the Example Configuration portlet's `view.jsp` is rendered. This JSP reads the value of the `favoriteColor` configuration and displays it.

The example code here would make the application display a message like this:

Favorite color: blue

The word ‘blue’ should be written in blue text. Note that ‘blue’ is displayed by default since you specified it as the default in your ExampleConfiguration interface. If you go to SystemSystem SettingsOther and click on the Example configuration link, you can find the Favorite color setting and change its value. Your application’s JSP will reflect this update when you refresh the page.

Categorizing the Configuration

Because it’s easy to make any application or service configurable, there are already lots of configuration options in Liferay DXP by default. If you’ve deployed custom applications and services to your portal, there will be even more. To make it easier for portal administrators to find the right configuration options, Liferay provides a mechanism for developers to specify a category in which the configuration will be shown in the auto-generated System Settings UI in the Control Panel.

Here’s how the System Settings UI looks:

Figure 3: Navigate to the Control Panel, click on Configuration and then
System Settings. Youll find five categories of configurations, including
Other. Click on any configuration to access a form through which the
configuration values can be updated.

Figure 3: Navigate to the Control Panel, click on *Configuration* and then *System Settings*. You'll find five categories of configurations, including Other. Click on any configuration to access a form through which the configuration values can be updated.

By default, the following configuration categories are defined:

  1. Web Experience
  2. Collaboration
  3. Forms and Workflow
  4. Foundation
  5. Other

You can use any other category and it will be injected in alphabetical order after Platform. Other will always be shown last. In order to specify a category, you must use the @ExtendedObjectClassDefinition annotation as in the following example:

@ExtendedObjectClassDefinition(category = "platform")
    factory = true,
    id = "com.liferay.portal.ldap.configuration.SystemLDAPConfiguration",
    localization = "content/Language"

The fully qualified class name of the @ExtendedObjectClassDefinition class is com.liferay.portal.configuration.metatype.annotations.ExtendedObjectClassDefinition.

Note: Currently, the infrastructure used by System Settings relies on the configurationPid being the same as the class name of the interface. If they don’t match, it will not be able to provide any information provided through ExtendedObjectClassConfiguration.

The @ExtendedObjectClassDefinition annotation is distributed through the com.liferay.portal.configuration.metatype module, which you can configure as a dependency.

Supporting Different Configurations per Virtual Instance, Site, or Portlet Instance

When an application is deployed to Liferay, it’s common to need different configurations depending on the scope. That means having different configurations for a given application per virtual instance (a.k.a. Company), site (a.k.a. Group), or portlet instance. Liferay DXP provides an easy way to achieve this with little effort through a new framework called the Configuration API that is based on the standard OSGi Configuration Admin API shown in the previous section.

Using the Configuration Provider

When using the Configuration Provider, instead of receiving the configuration directly, the class that wants to access it will need to receive a ConfigurationProvider from which to obtain the configuration. Additionally, you need to “register” your class.

Note: ConfigurationProvider is part of Liferay’s kernel API so you don’t need to add a new dependency to use it. However, its implementation is distributed as a module called portal-configuration-module-configuration, so you will need to make sure it is installed in order to use it.

Before using the ConfigurationProvider, register the configuration class by writing a class that implements ConfigurationBeanDeclaration. This class only has one method that returns the class of the interface you created in the previous section. By doing this, the system is able to keep track of any configuration changes as they happen. This makes requests for the configuration very fast.

Declare the configuration interface by creating a ConfigurationBeanDeclaration class:

public class RSSPortletInstanceConfigurationBeanDeclaration
    implements ConfigurationBeanDeclaration {

    public Class getConfigurationBeanClass() {
        return RSSPortletInstanceConfiguration.class;


Once you have created your ConfigurationBeanDeclaration, you can use a ConfigurationProvider. Here’s how you can obtain a reference to it:

  • For components:

      protected void setConfigurationProvider(ConfigurationProvider configurationProvider) {
          _configurationProvider = configurationProvider;
  • For Service Builder services:

      @ServiceReference(type = ConfigurationProvider.class)
      protected ConfigurationProvider configurationProvider;
  • For Spring beans: It is possible to use the same mechanism as for Service Builder services (@ServiceReference). Check the documentation on how to integrate Spring beans with OSGi services for more details.

Later, the configuration can be obtained using one of the following methods of the provider:

  • getCompanyConfiguration(): Used when you want to support different configurations per virtual instance. In this case, the configuration is usually entered by an admin through Control Panel → Configuration → Instance Settings. Since this UI is not automatically generated (yet) you will need to extend the UI with your own form.

  • getGroupConfiguration(): Used when you want to support different configurations per site (or, if desired, per page scope). Usually this configuration is specified by an admin through the Configuration menu option in an app accessing through the site administration menu. That UI is developed as a portlet configuration view.

  • getPortletInstanceConfiguration(): Used to obtain the configuration for an specific portlet instance. Most often you should not be using this directly and use the convenience method in PortletDisplay instead as shown below.

  • getSystemConfiguration: Used to obtain the configuration for the system scope. These settings are specified by an admin via the System Settings application or with an OSGi configuration file.

Here are a couple real world examples from Liferay’s source code:

JournalGroupServiceConfiguration configuration =
        JournalGroupServiceConfiguration.class, groupId);

MentionsGroupServiceConfiguration configuration =
     MentionsGroupServiceConfiguration.class, entry.getCompanyId());

Next, you’ll learn how to access a portlet’s configuration from outside of an OSGi component.

Accessing the Portlet Instance Configuration Through the PortletDisplay

Often it’s necessary to access a portlet’s settings from its JSPs or from Java classes that are not OSGi components. To make it easier to read the settings in these cases, a new method has been added to PortletDisplay (available as a request object). Here is an example of how to use it:

RSSPortletInstanceConfiguration rssPortletInstanceConfiguration =

As you can see, it knows how to find the values and returns a typed bean containing them just by passing the configuration class.

Specifying the Scope of the Configuration

The ExtendedObjectClassDefinition annotation allows you to specify the scope of the configuration. This should match how the configuration object is retrieved through the provider (your choice). The valid options are:

  • Scope.GROUP: for site scope
  • Scope.COMPANY: For virtual instance scope
  • Scope.SYSTEM: for system scope

Here is an example:

    category = "productivity", scope = ExtendedObjectClassDefinition.Scope.GROUP
    id = "",
    localization = "content/Language", name = ""
public interface DDLFormWebConfiguration {

In Liferay DXP version 7.0, the scope property isn’t used for anything other than making it appear in System Settings so that an administrator can change its value. In future releases, may have more purposes.


In this tutorial, you’ve learned how to make your applications configurable. Creating a simple configuration interface allows Liferay to auto-generate a configuration UI that’s accessible via System Settings in the Control Panel. You’ve also learned how to categorize your configurations within System Settings, how read configuration settings in your application at runtime, how to support different configurations at different scopes, and how to reuse the same configuration class for different scenarios.

« Introduction to ConfigurationImplementing Configuration Actions »
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