Configuring Modules for Liferay DXP's Loaders

To load your modules in Liferay DXP, you need to know when they are needed, where they are located at build time, if you want to bundle them together or load them independently, and you must assemble them at runtime. Keeping track of all these tasks can be a hassle. Liferay DXP’s module Loaders (YUI Loader and AMD Loader) provide a streamlined process that handles loading for you, which saves you time.

ES2015 *.es.js files are automatically transpiled to AMD modules and configured, so no additional work is needed for the Loader to recognize them. Other JavaScript modules, however, require more information to use Liferay DXP’s Loaders.

Manual configuration is required for the following use cases:

  • Custom AUI and YUI modules
  • External libraries with named AMD modules
  • External libraries with global exports that you want to load asynchronously or from other modules
  • Initialization code

This tutorial covers these concepts:

  • How to configure JavaScript modules to use Liferay DXP’s Loaders
  • How to use your loaded JavaScript modules in a portlet or a JavaScript

See the Preparing your JavaScript Files for ES2015 tutorial to learn how to use ES2015 in your JavaScript modules.

Get started by configuring your module next.

Configuring your Module

To use the loaders you must first define your modules. This metadata, known as the module definition, provides details such as dependencies, name and location, when they should be loaded, and more.

The module is defined using a configuration file. Liferay DXP uses config.js as a naming convention, but you can use whatever name you prefer.

You must specify your configuration file’s location in your bundle’s bnd.bnd file, so Liferay DXP knows where to access it. You’ll learn how to do this next.

Configuring your Bundle’s BND File

Follow these steps to configure your BND file:

  1. Open your bundle’s bnd.bnd file and add the Liferay-JS-Config header to point to the configuration file that contains the module’s definition.

    For example, the header below points to a config.js file in the module’s bundle:

    Liferay-JS-Config: /META-INF/resources/config.js

    Figure 1: Custom JavaScript modules must use the Liferay-JS-Config BND header to point to a configuration file with the module definition.

    Figure 1: Custom JavaScript modules must use the `Liferay-JS-Config` BND header to point to a configuration file with the module definition.

  2. Next, add a web context path to retrieve resources for your module:

    Web-ContextPath: /my-bundle-name

Now that Liferay DXP knows how to find the file, you can write it next.

Writing the Configuration File

Follow these steps to define your module:

  1. Create a configuration file, for example config.js, in the location you specified above.

    For example:

  2. Identify the loader your module requires.

    The type of module you are configuring determines the loader you must use in your configuration file.

    YUI and AlloyUI modules: Use the YUI.applyConfig mechanism to provide the module information. Note that AUI modules use the AUI mechanism built on top of the existing YUI mechanism: AUI().applyConfig. You can also use this mechanism to override Liferay DXP’s default YUI/AUI modules.

    AMD or global libraries: Use the Liferay.Loader.addModule mechanism to provide the module information.

    Initialization code: requires no loader mechanism. Simply add your code to the module’s configuration file.

  3. Add the module’s definition to the configuration file using the loader mechanism you identified in step 2.

    Below are some example configurations for each use case.

    Custom AUI module config.js example module:

    ;(function() {
                            groups: {
                                    mapbase: {
                                            base: MODULE_PATH + '/js/',
                                            combine: Liferay.AUI.getCombine(),
                                            modules: {
                                                    'liferay-map-common': {
                                                            path: 'map.js',
                                                            requires: [
                                            root: MODULE_PATH + '/js/'

The parameters used in the AUI module example are defined below:

groups: A list of group definitions. Each group can contain definitions for base, comboBase, Combine, and a list of modules.

base: The base directory to fetch the module from.

combine: Whether to use a combo service to reduce the number of HTTP connections required to load your dependencies. Best practice is to use Liferay.AUI.getCombine() as the value, as Liferay DXP’s own modules do. If js_fast_load in enabled in your theme, Liferay.AUI.getCombine() returns true, otherwise it returns false. Hard coding a value can result in odd or unexpected behavior, and is not recommended.

modules: A list of module definitions.

path: The path to the script from base. This parameter is required.

requires: An array of modules required by this component.

See the Loader.addModule method for a full list of the supported module metadata.

root: The root path to prepend to module names for the combo service. Ex: 2.5.2/build.

See the Loader class for a full list of available methods and properties.

Custom AMD module config.js example com.liferay.frontend.js.polyfill.babel.web module:

                    dependencies: [],
                    exports: '_babelPolyfill',
                    name: 'polyfill-babel',
                    path: MODULE_PATH + 'browser-polyfill.min.js'

The parameters used in the custom AMD module example are defined below:

dependencies: An array of module dependencies.

exports: The value, as a string, that the module exports to the global namespace. This is used for non-AMD modules. For example if your module exposes the global attribute window.MyLibrary, then you can set exports = 'MyLibrary' to let the loader know when this module is done loading.

name: The name of the module.

path: Sets the path of the module. If omitted, the module name value will be used as the path.

fullpath: Sets the full path to the module. This property should be used instead of the path property when the module isn’t located in Portal. For example, you can use the fullpath property to load a library from an external CDN: fullPath: 'https://web/address/external-library.js'.

Library initialization code module config.js example com.liferay.frontend.js.metal.web module:

    window.__METAL_COMPATIBILITY__ = {
            renderers: ['soy']

Although the example above contains library configuration code, you could add any initialization code that you require.

Liferay DXP automatically collects all the module definitions in a single request at startup, so you don’t need to be concerned about the timing and placement of their configuration.

Now that your module is configured, you can learn how to use it in Liferay DXP next.

Using your Module

Once your module is configured, you have a few ways in which you can use it in Liferay DXP.

This example is configured to use a module in the JSP of a portlet, via the aui:script’s require attribute:

<aui:script require="relative/path/to/module/module-name">
  // variable `relativePathToModuleModuleName` is available here

To adhere to JavaScript standards, references to the module within the script tag are named after the require value, in camel-case and with all invalid characters removed. For more information on using your module in a portlet, see the Using ES2015 Modules in your Portlet tutorial.

You can also use the module in a generic JavaScript:

Liferay.Loader.require('module-name', function (moduleName) {
  // variable `moduleName` is available here

Now you know how to load your custom JavaScript modules and global libraries in Liferay DXP!

Preparing your JavaScript Files for ES2015

Using ES2015 Modules in your Portlet

Overriding Liferay DXP’s Default YUI and AUI Modules

« Introduction to JavaScript Module LoadersUsing External Libraries »
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